Committee on Trade and Development - Seminar on Electronic Commerce and Development, 19 February 1999 - Summary Report
- WTO Secretariat
- 2004/11/01
- 已被閱讀 1575次
World Trade
Organization WT/COMTD/18
23 March 1999 (99-1171) Committee on Trade and Development
19 FEBRUARY 1999
Summary Report
At the request of Members, the Committee on Trade and Development held a seminar on electronic commerce and development. The seminar was organized under the headings: "Potential for Electronic Commerce for Businesses in Developing Countries" and "Infrastructure and Regulatory Issues at the Government Level". In the absence of the Chairman of the Committee, the seminar was chaired by Mr. A. Hoda, Deputy Director-General. The list of speakers is given in Annex I.
Opening Remarks by Chairperson
1. Mr. Hoda, welcomed the delegates and speakers. He noted that seminars and symposia were not a regular feature in the WTO, but exceptions needed to be made for new and important subjects like electronic commerce and that this seminar was being organized on the specific request of d