Indonesia - Importation of Horticultural Products, Animals and Animal Products - Status report regarding implementation of the DSB recommendations and rulings by Indonesia - Addendum

Indonesia – importation of horticultural products,
animals and animal products

Status Report regarding implementation of
the dsb recommendations and rulings
by Indonesia


The following communication, dated 13 February 2025, from the delegation of Indonesia to the Chairperson of the Dispute Settlement Body, is circulated pursuant to Article 21.6 of the DSU.





Indonesia provides its status report in the dispute DS477/DS478 in accordance with Article 21.6 of the DSU.

Indonesia reaffirms its commitment to comply with the DSB’s recommendations. Significant adjustments have been implemented through amendments to relevant laws and regulations, including the removal of disputed measures related to harvest period restriction, import realization requirements, six-months harvest requirement, reference price, and self-sufficiency.

Indonesia acknowledges the concerns raised by the complainants in previous meetings and reaffirms that Indonesia import regimes are designed to facilitate trade without imposing unnecessary burdens and consistent with WTO provisions.

In this context, Indonesia remains open to constructive engagement with New Zealand and the United States to explore mutually acceptable solutions for resolving this long-standing dispute.

