Indonesia - Importation of Horticultural Products, Animals and Animal Products - Status report regarding implementation of the DSB recommendations and rulings by Indonesia - Addendum

Indonesia – importation of horticultural products,
animals and animal products

Status Report regarding implementation of
the dsb recommendations and rulings
by Indonesia


The following communication, received on 15 April 2024, from the delegation of Indonesia to the Chairperson of the Dispute Settlement Body, is circulated pursuant to Article 21.6 of the DSU.





Indonesia provides a status report in these disputes in accordance with Article 21.6 of the DSU.

In addressing the concerns raised by New Zealand and the United States, Indonesia reiterates its commitment to implementing the rulings and recommendations of the DSB through the enactment of Law No. 6/2023, in lieu of Law No. 2/2022 on Job Creation, to remove the disputed self-sufficiency measures.

Furthermore, Indonesia has undertaken necessary adjustments to its importation policy by amending relevant regulations, namely Minister of Agriculture and Minister of Trade Regulations to address Measures 1-17, with the elimination of restrictions on harvest periods, import realization prerequisites, the six-month harvest mandate, reference prices, and domestic purchasing.

Indonesia would like to reiterate and maintain its confidence in the efficacy of Commodity Balance mechanism which aims to facilitate, streamline, and expedite trade flow without imposing unnecessary burdens or restrictive implications for trade.

Indonesia stands ready to engage in constructive dialogue with New Zealand and the United States to reach positive solution to these disputes.