Committee on Import Licensing - Replies to questionnaire on import licensing procedures - Notification under article 7.3 of the Agreement on import licensing procedures - 2024 - Cabo Verde

Replies to Questionnaire on Import Licensing Procedures[1]

Notification under Article 7.3 of the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures (2024)

Cabo Verde

The following communication, dated 22 June 2024, is being circulated at the request of the delegation of Cabo Verde.





Outline of system

1. Pursuant to Article 3 of Decree‑Law No. 68/2005 of 31 October, the import regime in Cabo Verde is composed of three systems: (1) imports exempt from licensing; (2) imports subject to automatic licensing; and (3) imports subject to non‑automatic licensing. As a general rule, products are subject to automatic licensing.

Currently, all import licences are requested via the online Foreign Trade Permit (TCE) system (the electronic import licence management platform).

Registration with the National Directorate of Industry, Trade and Energy (DNICE) of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Energy, or its regional delegations, is the only requirement for access to the electronic platform (TCE‑online). Once registered, importers or their representatives can apply for an import licence directly from their place of business or via a number of websites. The system is also connected directly to chambers of commerce, customs brokers and commercial banks (for payment-related issues).

Purposes and coverage of licensing

2. Pursuant to Chapter II of Decree‑Law No. 68/2005 of 31 October, products are subject to the following import regimes (see table below):


Licensing system

Product coverage

Article of the Decree‑Law

Exempt from licensing

(a) Non‑commercial goods, as defined in the ordinance of the government member responsible for the area of foreign trade;

(b) Products for inward and outward processing, temporary admission, re‑export and re‑import in transit;

(c) Goods subject to special customs procedures such as duty‑free stores, bonded warehouses, duty‑free warehouses and special customs warehouses.

Article 4


(d) Goods destined for consumption in developed areas used for international conferences, fairs, exhibitions and similar events;

(e) Imports of goods destined for supplying ships and aircraft, in accordance with the applicable legislation;

(f) Goods that have been seized, abandoned, found at sea or recovered, appropriated and sold at auction;

(g) Goods imported without any foreign currency expenditure, owned by the aircraft operators or shipping companies and for the exclusive use thereof.


Automatic licensing

All goods are subject to automatic approval, except those defined in paragraph 2 (Article 5.2)

Article 5.1

Non‑automatic licensing

(a) Goods subject to phytosanitary and sanitary controls;

(b) Goods placed under conditions to be defined by legislation.

Article 5.2


3. Licensing applies to goods of all origins, without distinction.

4. Licensing is not intended to restrict either the quantity or the value of imports. The purpose of the import regime is to check in advance that importers meet all the legal requirements to import.

5. The import licensing system is maintained under Chapter II of Decree‑Law No. 68/2005 of 31 October 2005 on the Legal Regime for Foreign Trade, and is administered in accordance with Ordinance No. 3/2004 of 26 January 2004 establishing the Foreign Trade Permit (TCE).


6. Cabo Verde does not apply quantitative restrictions.

7.(a)    The process for applying for a licence can be initiated as soon as the documents that are to accompany the goods are ready.

(b)       Provided the requirements specified in the legislation are met, authorization can be granted immediately. The time frames are consistent with Articles 2 and 3 of the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures.

(c)        Applications for import licences can be made and goods imported at any time of the year.

(d)      All import licence applications are considered by the DNICE or its regional delegations. Since the launch of TCE‑online, importers or their representatives enter the relevant information into the TCE‑online platform. This information is then sent to and examined by the DNICE or its regional delegations. In cases where specific documentation is required, in accordance with current legislation, the documents in question must be attached to the TCE application.

8. Licence applications may be refused if they do not fulfil the requirements of the applicable legislation.

Eligibility of importers to apply for licence

9. Importers must hold a valid importer's licence (administrative authorization) issued by the Chamber of Commerce.

Documentational and other requirements for application for licence

10. Applicants are required to complete the TCE form.

11. For imports of products subject to non‑automatic licensing, depending on the type of product, a document is required in accordance with the sectoral legislation. For imports of goods subject to automatic licensing, only the commercial invoice is required. For products exempted from import licensing, importers only need to present the procedure-related documents to the customs service.

12. There is no licensing fee or administrative charge. Once registered, importers may apply for licences via TCE‑online directly from their place of business or via organizations registered for that purpose.

13. There is no deposit or advanced payment associated with the issue of import licences.

Conditions of licensing

14. A licence is valid for a period of six months and can be extended if necessary (for example, when payment has not been made within the valid period).

15. No penalty is imposed for the non‑utilization of a licence or portion of a licence.

16. Issued licenses are not transferable.

17. Any economic operator wishing to carry out a commercial activity, including foreign trade, must first obtain administrative authorization from the Chamber of Commerce (wholesale trade; import/export and commercial agents) or the Municipal Chamber (retail trade). The conditions for obtaining administrative authorization are laid down in Decree‑Law No. 69/2005 governing the trade regime. Foreign nationals are not prohibited from engaging in any commercial activity, but must present a foreign resident's card.

Other procedural requirements

18. Imports are not subject to any other administrative procedures.

19. There are no hindrances to obtaining foreign exchange from the banking authorities for goods to be imported. Legislative Decree No. 3/2018 of 22 June regulates the legal regime for foreign economic and financial operations and foreign exchange operations in the national territory.‑06‑2018_42_un1.pdf.


[1]See document _G/LIC/3, Annex, for questionnaire.