Committee on Import Licensing - Agreement on import licensing procedures - Notification under article 5.1 to 5.4 of the Agreement - Republic of Moldova - Revision

Agreement on import licensing procedures

Notification under Article 5.1 to 5.4 of the Agreement[1]

Republic of Moldova


The following communication, dated 21 May 2024, is being circulated at the request of the delegation of the Republic of Moldova.




Notification details


Notifying Member

Republic of Moldova


Title of new legislation/procedure

Proces-Verbal No. 2 of the Exceptional Situations Commission


Date of Publication

26 March 2024


Date of entry into force

1 April 2024


Website link/Official publication of the new regulation/procedure

pv_cse_nr.2_26.03.2024.pdf (



Have you attached a copy of the regulation (PDF) to the Secretariat

[] Yes. (Please attach a copy of the regulation to the notification.)


[X] No.


Type of notification

[] (a) New licensing regulation/procedure[2]; (please answer question 8 to 14)


[X] (b) Changes to a regulation/procedure which has been previously notified in document: _G/LIC/N/2/MDA/2 (please answer question 15 and 16)


List of products subject to licensing




Nature of licensing

Automatic: []


Non-Automatic: []


Administrative purpose/measure being implemented



Protect public morals;



Protect human, animal or plant life and health; protect environment;



Collect trade statistics or market surveillance;



Protection of patents, trademarks and copyrights, and the prevention of deceptive practices;



Pursue obligations under the UN Charter and other international treaties (i.e. CITES, Basel Convention, Rotterdam Convention, UNSC Resolutions etc.)



Quota (including TRQ) administration;



Regulate imports of arms, ammunition or fissionable materials and safeguard national security;



Other: ______________ (please specify)


Administrative body(ies) for submission of applications

Ministry/authority and Department: []

Address: []

Website: []

Telephone: []

E-Mail: []


Contact point for information on eligibility

Ministry/authority and Department: []

Address: []

Website: []

Telephone: []

E-Mail: []


Expected duration of licensing procedure



A summary of the notification in one of the WTO official languages





In the case of 7(b), please indicate the type of new change(s)









Modification of specific details in existing



Product coverage;


Administrative purpose;


Automatic or Non-automatic;


Duration of licensing;


Change the nature of quantity/value restriction;


Eligibility of applicants;


Contact information on eligibility;


Administrative body(ies) for submission of application;


Documentation requirements (including application form);


Period for Application;


Administrative body(ies) to issue licence;


Processing time for issuing licence;


Licence fee/administrative charge;


Deposit/advance payment and relevant conditions;


Appeal regulations/procedures;


Validity of licence;


Other conditions of licence (extension, transferability, penalty of non-use etc.);


Foreign exchange requirements;




Please elaborate the changes in detail (in one of the WTO official languages)

The licensing measure for certain cereals imports was extended for another three months. A decision in this regard was taken today by the Commission for Exceptional Situations (CSE).



[1] It is understood that the notifying Member has also completed its notification obligations under Article 1.4(a) and Article 8.2(b) regarding the relevant law/regulation/procedure notified for by filling this form in a full and complete manner.

[2] "New licensing regulation/procedure" is understood to refer to any newly introduced law, regulation or procedure, and those which are in force but being notified for the first time to the Committee.