General Council - WTO Work Programme on Electronic Commerce - Communication from Egypt
- Egypt
- 2005/08/23
- 已被閱讀 1885次
World Trade
Organization WT/GC/W/93
23 July 1998 (98-2915)
Original: English
Communication from Egypt
The following communication has been received on 15 July 1998 from the delegation of Egypt, with the request that it be circulated to Members.
1. The Second WTO Ministerial Conference adopted a Declaration on Electronic Commerce that requires the General Council to establish a comprehensive work program to examine all trade-related issues relating to global electronic commerce by its next meeting in special session which will take place in September 1998.
2. According to the Ministerial Declaration:
- The examination of electronic commerce in the WTO will be limited to trade-related issues relating to global electronic commerce.
- This examination will take into account the economic, financial and development needs of developing countries.
- It will recognize work undertak