Global Electronic Commerce - Communication from Switzerland

World Trade Organization WT/GC/W/94 27 July 1998 (98-2974) Original: French global electronic commerce Communication from Switzerland The following communication received on 16 July 1998 from the delegation of Switzerland is circulated for information of Members. _______________ With regard to the organization of the work We continue to believe that, given the horizontal dimension of electronic commerce, the General Council (GC) should either establish a ad hoc working party or arrange a series of meetings of the GC in special session. Nevertheless, we are aware that this position is not that of the majority of delegations. If it is finally decided that the work will be shared among the various bodies of the WTO, it is important that the following elements be taken into account: - The GC should give the subsidiary bodies a clear mandate with respect to the work it expects them to do; - the GC should remain free to deal with th