Work Programme on Electronic Commerce - Classification Issue - Submission from the European Communities

World Trade Organization WT/GC/W/497 9 May 2003 (03-2480) Original: English work Programme on Electronic Commerce Classification Issue Submission from the European Communities The following submission, dated 8 May 2003, has been received from the European Communities with the request that it be circulated to Members. _______________ Under the Work programme on electronic commerce launched in 1998, WTO Members have been discussing a number of issues prompted by the development of e-commerce. The European Communities made a number of submissions on various issues raised and will endeavour to continue to contribute to the debate on those various issues. One of the issues has attracted much of the attention, including in the informal sessions of the General Council dedicated to “horizontal issues”, that is the so-called issue of classification. To be precise, the issue at stake has not been how to classify all electronic deliveries but how t