Note on the Meeting of 9 March 2004

WT/COMTD/LDC/M/36World Trade Organization RESTRICTED WT/COMTD/LDC/M/36 14 April 2004 (04-1656) Sub-Committee on Least-Developed Countries Thirty-Sixth Session NOTE ON THE MEETING OF 9 March 2004 Chairperson: Ambassador Johan Molander (Sweden) for items A-B and Ambassador Ian de Jong (Netherlands) for items C-D Subjects discussed: A. Adoption of the Agenda 1 B. Chairmanship of the Sub-Committee 1 C. WTO Work Programme for Least-Developed Countries 2 (i) Accession of LDCs 2 (ii) Market Access for LDCs 4 (iii) Support, as appropriate, to agencies assisting with the diversification of LDCs' production and export base 7 (iv) Trade-related Technical Assistance for LDCs 10 D. Other Business 12 Adoption of the Agenda The Sub-Committee adopted the proposed agenda contained in document WTO/AIR/2250. Chairmanship of the Sub-Committee The outgoing Chairman, Ambassador Molander of Sweden, recalled that consultations had been held to select the ne