Negotiating Group on Rules - Report by the Chairman to the Trade Negotiations Committee
- WTO Secretariat
- 2007/10/23
- 已被閱讀 1033次
World Trade
Organization TN/RL/12
21 April 2005 (05-1649) Negotiating Group on Rules
Report by the Chairman to the
Trade Negotiations Committee
status of work
Since my last Report to the Trade Negotiations Committee in early February 2005, the Negotiating Group has held three further meetings, on 22-24 February & 11,13,15 April 2005 (Anti-Dumping and Subsidies & Countervailing Measures, including Fisheries Subsidies) and on 7 March (Regional Trade Agreements - RTAs). The Group will meet again in the week of 30 May to continue its work on AD/SCM issues, and on 17-18 May regarding RTAs.
To date, 178 formal submissions have been received from Participants. These submissions have been circulated in the TN/RL/W/... series. In addition, the Group has received 38 informal elaborated proposals relating to AD and/or to SCM including Fisheries Subsidies. While these proposals have been circulated as JOB documents, they have also b