Negotiating Group on Rules - Proposal on Negligible Imports - Paper by Turkey
- Turkey
- 2006/04/24
- 已被閱讀 1031次
World Trade
Organization TN/RL/GEN/33
23 March 2005 (05-1221) Negotiating Group on Rules Original: English
Paper by Turkey
The following communication, dated 22 March 2005, is being circulated at the request of the Delegation of Turkey.
The submitting delegation has requested that this paper, which was submitted to the Rules Negotiating Group as an informal document (JOB(05)/39), also be circulated as a formal document.
Article 5.8 of the Anti-Dumping Agreement (ADA) sets out the determination of negligibility. Pursuant to the said Article, the volume of dumped imports shall be regarded as negligible, in case the volume of dumped imports from a particular country account for less than 3 per cent of imports of the like product in the importing Member. Furthermore, there is an additional cumulation clause in the same Article, which allows the authorities to cumulate imports fr