Negotiating Group on Rules - Report by the Chairman to the Trade Negotiations Committee
- WTO Secretariat
- 2007/10/23
- 已被閱讀 1157次
World Trade
Organization TN/RL/10
3 December 2004 (04-5276) Negotiating Group on Rules
Report by the Chairman to the
Trade Negotiations Committee
status of work
It is a pleasure for me to submit my first Report to the Trade Negotiations Committee as Chairman of the Negotiating Group on Rules. Although I was elected Chairman of the Group only in November, and have thus chaired only one meeting, my observations on the status of the Group's work take into account developments since the last written Report of my predecessor in June 2004. In this regard, I observe that, since that Report was submitted, the Group has continued and indeed stepped up the pace of its work.
In the area of Anti-Dumping ("AD") and Subsidies and Countervailing Measures ("SCM") including fisheries subsidies, the Group has held three further meetings, on 12-13 July, 27 September–1 October and 1-3 November 2004. The Group will be meeting again on 14-1