Committee on Regional Trade Agreements - Hundred and tenth session - Free trade agreement between the Republic of Korea and Cambodia - Goods - Note on the meeting of 2 July 2024 - Chair : Ambassador H.E. Salomon Eheth (Cameroon)

Free Trade Agreement between the Republic of Korea and Cambodia

Note on the Meeting of 2 July 2024

Chair: Ambassador H.E. Salomon EHETH (Cameroon)

1.1.  The 110th Session of the Committee on Regional Trade Agreements (hereinafter "CRTA" or the "Committee") was convened in Airgram _WTO/AIR/RTA/36/Rev.1 dated 21 June 2024.

1.2.  Under Agenda Item 7.3, the CRTA considered the Agreement establishing a Free Trade Agreement between the Republic of Korea and Cambodia, goods, (hereinafter "the Agreement"). The Chair stated that the Factual Presentation had been prepared by the Secretariat on its own responsibility in full consultation with the Parties, in accordance with paragraph 7(b) of the Transparency Mechanism for Regional Trade Agreements (document _WT/L/671).

1.3.  The Agreement had entered into force on 1 December 2022. It had been notified to the WTO by the Parties on 21 June 2023 under Article XXIV:7(a) as an agreement establishing a free trade area for trade in goods, within the meaning of Article XXIV of the GATT 1994, (document _WT/REG470/N/1). The text of the Agreement, together with its Annexes, was available on the Parties' official websites and in the WTO RTA database. The Factual Presentation, document _WT/REG470/1, and questions and replies, document _WT/REG470/2, had been distributed.

1.4.  The representative of the Republic of Korea was honoured to present the Agreement in the CRTA. The Republic of Korea saw great value in the Transparency Mechanism of the CRTA. The process kept members informed of the latest developments in other Members' RTAs and provided opportunities for a deeper understanding of them. In this regard, she hoped that the session would help WTO Members to better understand the Agreement.

1.5.  Like other FTAs signed by Korea, the Agreement was consistent with the principles and rules of the WTO. It met the requirements stipulated by Article XXIV of GATT 1994 that duties and other restrictive regulations of commerce should be eliminated on substantially all the trade. The Agreement has been built upon and had gone further than the two countries' WTO commitments in trade in goods. However, commitments in trade in services and investment had not been included in the Agreement. Korea and Cambodia would discuss to initiate negotiations on trade in services and investment in due course.

1.6.  Cambodia continued to sustain remarkable economic growth among ASEAN countries, leveraging its young and excellent human resources. Korea, having continued to expand its free trade agreement network with ASEAN countries, expected that the bilateral free trade agreement with Cambodia could help to diversify its supply chains to Cambodia in the process of reorganizing its regional value chains due to the COVID pandemic. Korea had envisioned the creation of value chains between the two countries in various fields including textiles and automobiles, strengthened through tariff elimination benefits.

1.7.  Against this background, FTA negotiations were launched in July 2020 and concluded after the 4th round of negotiations in February 2021. The Agreement had been signed in October 2021 and had entered into force on 1 December 2022. It had become Korea's fourth bilateral free trade agreement with ASEAN countries following those with Singapore, Vietnam and Indonesia.

1.8.  She briefly highlighted the features of the FTA between Korea and Cambodia. A significant share of tariff lines and trade had already been liberalized under the Korea-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement which had been in force since 2007 and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), in force since early 2022. However, both Parties had had common interest in additionally liberalizing trade in goods and elevating economic cooperation through the bilateral FTA. With the Agreement, Korea's final customs elimination rate had become 95.6% of its tariff lines and 95.7% of imports, and Cambodia 93.8% of its tariff lines and 72.2% of imports. Tariff liberalization was to be completed in annual stages within 20 years from entry into force of the Agreement.

1.9.  Looking at the product composition of bilateral goods trade, vehicles and textiles accounted for almost 45% of Korea's exports to Cambodia. In case of Cambodia, 50% of its exports to Korea were textiles. The Agreement would deliver new business opportunities for enterprises producing the products with eliminated tariff rates. Some of the products such as automobiles, textiles and apparel, and fresh fruits enjoyed immediate tariff elimination. Trade between Korea and Cambodia was mutually complementary and the Agreement would boost both Parties' exports while stimulating more bilateral investment and vitalizing both economies.

1.10.  In the area of rules of origin, bilateral accumulation was permitted by Article 3.6. In order to apply accumulation with other ASEAN members, they could resort to the ASEAN-Korea Free Trade Agreement or the RCEP. As per Article 3.16 of the Agreement, a secure website would be established by the Parties to display required information from the last three years. Also, an importing Party was entitled to conduct an on-site verification for a good claiming originating status. The Parties may also establish an Electronic Origin Data Exchange System for the purpose of monitoring and assessing the implementation of the rules of origin.

1.11.  In the area of economic cooperation, both sides had established a mechanism to strengthen cooperation activities including capacity building and technical assistance. It comprised detailed provisions for closer cooperation focusing on agriculture, forestry, and fisheries, electronic commerce, technical regulations, standards and conformity assessment procedures, SPS, trade and investment-related legal framework, infrastructure development, industrial development, ICT and other matters as agreed upon between the Parties.

1.12.  Other than these, the Agreement included other commitments including customs procedures and trade facilitation, trade remedy, transparency, and dispute settlement.

1.13.  In closing, she hoped the session had further facilitated the WTO's Transparency Mechanism by enhancing the Members' understanding of the Agreement. While listening to the opinions of other members, she would endeavour, where possible, to answer any additional questions. Once again, she extended her gratitude to all Members involved, especially to Japan for sending their written questions ahead of the session. She also thanked the Cambodian delegation for their close cooperation in preparing the factual presentation. Lastly, she expressed her special appreciation to the Secretariat once again.

1.14.  The representative of Cambodia thanked the Chair for convening the 110th Session of the WTO CRTA meeting. Cambodia saw the importance of the meeting as it kept WTO Members updated and informed regarding Members' RTAs. He appreciated the Secretariat's effort in preparing the comprehensive factual presentation and Japan for sending their questions on the Agreement. He also thanked the Korean delegation for the introductory remarks and presentation on the Agreement, which had highlighted important aspects of it. Cambodia associated itself with the points made by the Korean delegation. He  briefly reflected on bilateral trade after the entry into force of the Agreement.

1.15.  One year after entry into force of the Agreement, the Parties had noted positive progress in trade cooperation and investment trends between the two countries and the remarkable implementation results. Their bilateral trade had hit new levels, reaching a trade value of USD 1.05 billion in December 2023. For the first 4 months of 2024, their bilateral trade had risen by 7.4% to USD 256 million. Cambodia's exports to Korea had risen by 8.4% to USD 98.2 million while imports had totalled USD 158 million, increasing by 6.7%. Cambodia mainly exported footwear, apparel, travel products, beverages, electrical and electronic components, rubber, pharmaceuticals and agricultural products to Korea. It imported vehicles, electronics, kitchen appliances, beverages, pharmaceuticals and finished plastics and products.

1.16.  In May 2024, the first CKFTA Joint Committee meeting had been organized to discuss and follow up on progress in implementation. Both parties had expressed the desire to upgrade the Agreement and work further on areas of potential trade cooperation.

1.17.  To conclude, he was optimistic that the Agreement would become an important mechanism to promote more trade and investment cooperation. Considering the successful implementation and effective utilization of the Agreement, he expected that their bilateral trade would increase substantially in the years to come. He believed the Agreement would continue to attract more new investment, creating more jobs, generating more real income and contributing to GDP growth as well as reducing the poverty rate in Cambodia.

1.18.  The representative of the European Union thanked the Republic of Korea and Cambodia for the presentation and wished them success in the implementation of the Agreement.

1.19.  The representative of China expressed her appreciation to the Parties for their efforts in implementing the Transparency Mechanism which had provided them useful information to better understand the Agreement. She also expressed her appreciation to the Secretariat for preparing the factual presentation and wished the Parties success in the implementation of the Agreement.

1.20.  The Chair noted the consideration of the goods aspects of the Free Trade Agreement between the Republic of Korea and Cambodia, had allowed the Committee to clarify a number of questions and conclude oral discussion of the RTA in accordance with paragraph 11 of the Transparency Mechanism. Any delegations wishing to ask follow‑up questions were invited to forward submissions in writing to the Secretariat by 9 July 2024 and Parties were asked to submit replies in writing by no later than 23 July 2024. In accordance with paragraph 13 of the Transparency Mechanism all written submissions, as well as minutes of the meeting would be circulated promptly, in all WTO official languages, and made available in the WTO database on RTAs.

1.21.  The Committee took note of the comments made.
