Negotiating Group on Rules - Preliminary Answers of Cuba and Venezuela to the Questions Provided by Egypt Regarding Document TN/RL/W/41

World Trade Organization TN/RL/W/108 13 May 2003 (03-2516) Negotiating Group on Rules Original: English PRELIMINARY ANSWERS OF CUBA AND VENEZUELA TO THE QUESTIONS PROVIDED BY EGYPT REGARDING DOCUMENT TN/RL/W/41 The following communication, dated 9 May 2003, has been received from the Permanent Missions of Cuba and Venezuela. _______________ First of all, we would like to thank Egypt’s questions and its constructive engagement, which have been very useful to provide a better understanding on the proposal contained in document TN/RL/W/41, and for its further development. Q1. How is the development dimension to be evaluated? Could it be considered that any subsidies with a view of promoting research and development, regional growth disadvantaged regions and environmental restructuring are aimed at promoting development?. Reply As it was mentioned in document TN/RL/W/70 dated 18 March 2003, in general, we consider that the Multilateral Tr