Negotiating Group on Rules - Observations and Comments by Venezuela on Document TN/RL/W/78 Submitted by the United States Concerning Prohibited Subsidies an[...]es and Countervailing Measures

World Trade Organization TN/RL/W/107 13 May 2003 (03-2519) Negotiating Group on Rules Original: Spanish observations and comments by venezuela on document tn/rl/w/78 submitted by the United states concerning prohibited subsidies and other subjects under the wto agreement on subsidies and countervailing measures The following communication, dated 9 May 2003, has been received from the Permanent Mission of Venezuela. _______________ The content of this paper does not prejudge Venezuela's final position on any aspect of the subjects to which it refers, nor does it cover all the comments, observations and questions that could be raised during this and future stages of the negotiations on this matter and other related topics. A more complete and detailed contribution could be submitted by Venezuela at a later stage. First of all, the United States contribution in document TN/RL/W/78 is much appreciated. The Venezuelan delegation considers that