Negotiating Group on Rules - Egypt's preliminary comments on the Contributions Submitted in the framework of the Doha negotiations on the Agreements on Anti[...]ailing Measures - (TN/RL/W/78)

World Trade Organization TN/RL/W/102 6 May 2003 (03-2410) Negotiating Group on Rules Original: English Egypt’s preliminary comments on the Contributions Submitted in the framework of the DOHA negotiations On the AGREEMENTS on Anti-Dumping and Subsidies And Countervailing Measures (TN/RL/W/78) The following communication, dated 5 May 2003, has been received from the Permanent Mission of Egypt. _______________ Communication from the United States (TN/RL/W/78) In this paper Egypt is providing its comments on the contributions submitted by the United States in the framework of the negotiations conducted by the Negotiating Group on Rules. (a) Serious Prejudice The United States considers that the rules pertaining to actionable subsidies set forth in Part III of the SCM Agreement are too vague and impractical to implement. The United States notes that these rules have rarely been used since their adoption. The United States is proposing