Negotiating Group on Rules - Circumvention - Communication from the United States
- United States
- 2006/04/24
- 已被閱讀 1055次
World Trade
Organization TN/RL/GEN/29
8 February 2005 (05-0520) Negotiating Group on Rules Original: English
Communication from the United States
The following communication, dated 7 February 2005, is being circulated at the request of the Delegation of the United States.
The submitting delegation has requested that this paper, which was submitted to the Rules Negotiating Group as an informal document (JOB(05)/9), also be circulated as a formal document.
The Ministerial Decision on Anti-Circumvention was adopted by Members at Marrakesh and forms an integral part of the Final Act Embodying the Results of the Uruguay Round Multilateral Trade Negotiations. This Decision acknowledged the problem of circumvention and recognized the desirability of applying "uniform rules in this area as soon as possible" to prevent the evasion of antidumping and countervailing measures through circumvention. The Dec