Dispute Settlement Body - Special Session - Minutes of Meeting - Held in the Centre William Rappard on 26 - 27 January 2004
- WTO Secreatriat
- 2005/11/07
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TN/DS/M/15World Trade
Organization RESTRICTED TN/DS/M/15
4 June 2004 (04-2388) Special Session of the Dispute Settlement Body
-27 January
Minutes of Meeting
Held in the Centre William Rappard
on 26-27 January 2004
Chairman: Mr. Péter Balás (Hungary)
Subjects discussed: Page
1. Discussion of proposals relating to the "implementation" phase 1
2. Presentation of new proposals 2
The Chairman welcomed participants to the sixteenth meeting of the Special Session and said that the airgram for the meeting had been circulated in WTO/AIR/2237 and that the draft agenda (TN/DS/W/63) contained two items, namely (i) discussion of proposals relating to the "implementation" phase and (ii) presentation of new proposals. Under the first item, the Chairman drew attention to the proposals submitted by Members on the implementation phase and also his text contained in TN/DS/9 and requested Members to indicate possible areas of convergence. With regard