Dispute Settlement Body - Special session - Report by the Chairman, Ambassador Ronald Saborío Soto, to the Trade Negotiations Committee
- The Chairman
- 2011/05/09
- 已被閱讀 1163次
World Trade
Organization TN/DS/25
21 April 2011 (11-2082) Dispute Settlement Body
Special Session
Special session of the Dispute settlement body
Report by the Chairman, Ambassador Ronald Saborío Soto, to the Trade Negotiations Committee
In my last written report on 22 March 2010, I informed the TNC that we had completed a first round discussion of all issues contained in the consolidated draft legal text contained in the document that I had issued under my own responsibility in July 2008, which was endorsed by participants as basis for our further work in November 2008.
Since May 2010, as anticipated in my last report, we initiated a
more intensive process, building on earlier work. So far, we
met seven times in this context, based on a combination of meetings in variable geometry depending on the issue being discussed. On each occasion,
I conducted informal consultations with interested delegations over the course of a week, with an open-ended info