Dispute Settlement Body - Special Session - Report by the Chairman, Ambassador Ronald Sabor甐 Soto, to the Trade Negotiations Committee
- WTO Secretariat
- 2008/06/21
- 已被閱讀 1032次
World Trade
Organization TN/DS/16
9 May 2006
(06-2255) Dispute Settlement Body
Special Session
Special session of the Dispute settlement body
Report by the Chairman, Ambassador Ronald Saborío Soto,
to the Trade Negotiations Committee
Since my last written report, the DSB Special Session met once, on 24 and 25 April 2006. Members have also continued to be actively engaged in informal consultations in various formats, to advance the work on clarifications and improvements to the DSU.
At the meeting of 24 and 25 April, four contributions received since the previous meeting were presented: an informal contribution by Hong Kong, China in respect of the conditions for interested Members to be joined in consultations (JOB(06)/89); an additional joint informal contribution by the European Communities and Japan on "post-retaliation" (JOB(05)/47/Add.1); an informal contribution by Argentina, Brazil, Canada, India, New Zealand and Norway on remand; an