Committee on Import Licensing - Import licensing system of Honduras - Questions from the United States to Honduras


questions from the United States to HONDURAS

The following communication, dated 3 May 2024, is being circulated at the request of the delegation of the United States.





In 2023, the Government of Honduras published import registration and licensing regulations regarding poultry through Ministerial Agreement No. 021-2023, modified through Ministerial Decree No. 055-2023 and rice through Ministerial Agreement No. 020-2023, modified through Ministerial Decree No. 104-2023. These non-automatic import licensing processes are administratively burdensome and require applicants to approach many separate administrative bodies in the government of Honduras.

(a)     The preamble of the WTO Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures states that
"non-automatic licensing procedures should be no more administratively burdensome than absolutely necessary." Article 1, Paragraph 6 states that "…applicants shall not need to approach more than three administrative bodies." How do these Ministerial Agreements meet these commitments?

Article 16 of Ministerial Agreement No. 021-2023 and Ministerial Agreement No. 020-2023 exempts border traffic from following the special import modalities detailed in the Agreements.

(b)     Article 1, Paragraph 3 of the WTO Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures states that "The rules for import licensing procedures shall be neutral in application and administered in a fair and equitable manner." How does this exemption of border traffic comply with the requirement for import licensing procedures to be administered in a fair and equitable manner as detailed in Article 1, Paragraph 3 of the Agreement?

During Honduras' Trade Policy Review on 12-14 July 2023, Honduras committed that these regulations would be notified to the WTO.

(c)    When will these regulations be notified to the WTO?
