Committee on Import Licensing - Consolidated paper of written questions and replies submitted to the Committee on Import Licensing since 1995 - Revision

Consolidated paper of written questions and replies submitted to the committee on import licensing since 1995


At its meeting of 23 October 1996, the Committee reached an understanding on "Procedures for the Review of Notifications submitted under the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures"[1]:


"On the basis of Article 4 of the Agreement, it was recognized that Members could express views on notifications of import licensing procedures as required under various Articles of the Agreement, and request clarifications, as may be necessary, from other Members on matters related to the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures. It was, however, agreed that such views, and requests for clarification, should be communicated, in writing, to the delegations concerned with copies for information to the Secretariat preferably 21 days, but at least ten working days, in advance of the meeting at which they would be raised. Replies to the questions should also be forwarded to the delegations having raised the questions, in writing, with copies for information to the Secretariat. The questions and replies thus received would be circulated by the Secretariat."


This document has been prepared by the Secretariat with a view to providing Members an easy reference to the _G/LIC/Q series documents. The consolidated paper is arranged in alphabetical order of Members to which written questions have been addressed. The document will be updated twice a year to include new submissions after the formal Committee meetings. All new inclusions were highlighted in bold.


For Members' easy reference, the following new documents were added in this revision:


Written Questions:





Written Replies:


[1] See _G/LIC/4.