Committee of Participants on the Expansion of Trade in Information Technology Products - A Proposal to enhance the functioning and relevance of ITA - Communication from China



The following communication, dated 5 March 2024, is being circulated at the request of the delegation of China.





1  Background

1.1.  Trade in information and communication technology (ICT) products is a major component of global trade, a key driver of global economic growth, and an important catalyst for technology diffusion. It has also made significant contributions to the integration of small and medium‑sized enterprises into global value chains, and to the response to global challenges ranging from the COVID‑19 pandemic to climate change.

1.2.  Robust ICT trade rests upon the successful functioning of the ITA and ITA Expansion (hereinafter "the Agreements"), which provide the basis for an open, transparent, and predictable global trading environment for ICT products. The conclusion and implementation of the Agreements has greatly increased trade in ICT products and the diffusion of relevant technologies, making ICT products one of the most globally accessible and affordable products today.

1.3.  In the meantime, rapid developments in the global ICT sector also pose new challenges to the implementation of the Agreements. On the one hand, innovation has led to new ICT products and technologies, which has further complicated the revisions and updates of the product tariff classifications covered by the Agreements. On the other hand, the new ICT products and technologies also raise questions about how the Agreements and the ITA Committee's work could continuously reflect the reality of such a fast‑changing industry and bring more concrete benefits to its participants.

1.4.  The ITA Committee (hereinafter, "the Committee") has an important role to play in the successful functioning of the Agreements. WTO Members have been discussing ways to improve the functioning of the various WTO bodies. In this context, China puts forward its proposal to advance the work in the ITA Committee with a view to enhancing both the functioning and the relevance of the Agreements.