1.1. It will be recalled that the Working Group on Trade, Debt and
Finance ("the Working Group") was established at the 4th Session of
the Ministerial Conference in Doha (November 2001). Its mandate is set out in
Paragraph 36 of the Doha Ministerial Declaration.
1.2. There were meetings of the Working Group on 12 July (formal), 2 October
(informal), and 26 November (informal and formal).
1.3. In 2024, the Working Group has received a request from the Committee
on Agriculture (_G/AG/38, _WT/WGTDF/W/104) to undertake, in line
with its mandate, a targeted examination of specific concerns raised by
least-developed and net food-importing developing countries (LDCs and NFIDCs)
in relation to the financing of food imports, and in particular challenges
associated in doing so during periods of food instability and emergencies.
There seemed to be broad support for a step‑by-step approach to examining the
request according to the Working Group's mandate, clarifying the scope of work,
and determining what action or discussion could be pursued. As a first step,
proposals by LDCs and NFIDCs have been presented orally and in writing (_RD/WGTDF/1). Also, at the request of
Members, a compendium of proposals made thus far has been circulated as
Document _WT/WGTDF/W/106. Members are considering
potential issues of interest falling within the Working Group's mandate, such
as the availability of trade financing instruments supplied by international
financial institutions. Further consultations will continue in 2025 on what
issues and under what modalities, can be discussed in the Working Group.
1.4. In 2024, the Working Group has also received a submission by the
delegation of Pakistan focused on the trade and debt nexus (_WT/WGTDF/W/105). Members emphasized the
need for thematic discussions to fall within the mandate of the Working Group.
Members engaged into consultations with a view to developing a focused and
concrete proposal, for possible questions and thematic sessions to be approved.
They will continue in 2025.
1.5. On [3 December], the Working Group adopted its Annual
Report (2024) on a lapse-of-time basis.