Committee on Rules of Origin - Minutes of the Meeting of 23 September 2005
- WTO Secretariat
- 2007/08/15
- 已被閱讀 1195次
World Trade
Organization RESTRICTED G/RO/M/47
13 October 2005 (05-4668) Committee on Rules of Origin
Chairman: Ms. Vera Thorstensen
I. report of the work of the technical committee on rules of origin 1
A. other secretariat activities 1
B. other information 2
II. notifications under article 5 and paragraph 4 of annex ii of the agreement on rules of origin (g/ro/n/45-46) 2
III. transitional review under paragraph 18 of the protocol of accession of the people's republic of china (wt/l/432, wt/acc/chn/49, g/ro/w/102 and 105) 2
IV. annual review of the implementation and operation of the agreement on rules of origin (g/ro/w/103) 3
V. annual report (2005) to the council for trade in goods (g/ro/w/104) 4
VI. election of officers 4
VII. other business 4
A. Dates and agenda for the next meeting 4
report of the work of the technical committee on rules of origin
1.1 The representative of the WCO, Mr. P-P. de