Committee on Rules of Origin - Minutes of the Meeting of 1 October 1999
- WTO Secretariat
- 2005/05/06
- 已被閱讀 1021次
World Trade
Organization RESTRICTED G/RO/M/25
22 October 1999 (99-4581) Committee on Rules of Origin
Chairman: Mr. A.R. Moroz
The agenda proposed for the meeting, contained in WTO/AIR/1156, was adopted by the Committee on Rules of Origin (CRO) as follows:
I. overall architecture of the harmonized rules of origin (G/RO/41, pages 2-35) 1
II. product-specific rules of origin (g/ro/41) 2
A. Chapters 25-27 (mineral products) and 71 (precious stones and metals) 2
B. Chapters 28-40 (chemicals) 3
C. Chapters 44-49 (wood and paper) 5
III. report (1999) of the committee on rules of origin to the council for trade in goods (g/ro/w/44) 6
IV. notifications under article 5 and paragraph 4 of annex ii of the agreement on rules of origin (g/ro/n/26) 6
V. decision-making process of the committee on rules of origin 6
VI. date of the next meeting 6
overall architecture of the harmonized rules of origin (G/RO/41, p