This document reports on the work
conducted by the Committee on Rules of Origin (CRO) in 2024 as required by Article 6.1
of the Agreement on Rules of Origin:
"The Committee shall review annually the
implementation and operation of Parts II and III of this Agreement having
regard to its objectives" and "inform the Council for Trade in Goods of developments during the period
covered by such reviews."
The CRO held two formal meetings in 2024: 29 April (_WTO/AIR/RO/19
and _JOB/RO/13)
and 21‑22 November (_WTO/AIR/RO/20
and _JOB/RO/14). The minutes of these meetings are
contained in documents _G/RO/M/82 and _G/RO/M/83[1], respectively.
Both meetings were chaired by Mr Guna SEELAN
BALAKRISHNAN (Malaysia), who was elected interim Chairperson and then
regular Chairperson of the CRO in June 2024. Several bilateral and small‑group
consultations and one informal meeting were also held during the year. In addition, Members also attended
an "information session" on the "Work
of the World Customs Organization related to rules of origin and the work of
the Technical Committee on Rules of Origin" held in
October 2024.
The work of the
Committee continued to be structured around two broad themes: (1) non‑preferential
rules of origin; and (2) preferential rules of origin for LDCs.
5._ On non‑preferential rules of
origin, the Committee did not hold specific discussions related to the Harmonization
Work Programme (HWP) (Article 9.2(a) of the Agreement on Rules of Origin).
Members have expressed diverging views regarding the implications of
harmonizing non‑preferential rules of origin, so this area of work has not seen
much development since 2007 (see the Committee's 2013 Annual Report, _G/L/1047, for further details).
6._ Since then, Members have been focusing on
improving their understanding and knowledge about national practices related to
non-preferential rules of origin. The
Secretariat reported that, at present, the information available concerning non‑preferential
rules of origin was outdated and inconsistent. It also noted that the number of
Members applying non-preferential rules of origin had gone from 15 (in 1995) to
57 (in 2024).
7._ In this regard, the Committee had discussed a proposal on
"Enhancing the transparency in non-preferential rules of origin" (_G/RO/W/182/Rev.4). After consultations held
by the Chairperson, Members subsequently considered different versions of a
Chairperson's text containing the draft decision (_JOB/RO/8; _JOB/RO/8/Rev.1 and _JOB/RO/8/Rev.2). Following an informal
meeting and a series of bilateral consultations on these texts (_ICN/RO/6; _ICN/RO/6/Add.1), the Chairperson reported
that the proposal was unlikely to garner consensus to be formally adopted by
the CRO (_JOB/RO/8/Rev.3). Instead, the Chairperson
encouraged Members to keep their notifications up to date and, in so doing, use
the notification template in Annexes 1 and 2 of his report on an entirely voluntary basis. Both Members and
economic operators would benefit from having access to up‑to‑date and
standardized information concerning non-preferential rules of origin. Members
took note of the Chair's report.
8._ On other matters, Members took note of the implementation of the measures adopted to
improve the functioning of the Committee (_G/RO/W/217
and _G/RO/W/224)
and the operation of
the following newly introduced tools:
a)_ e-Delegate (e-Registration) allowing delegates to subscribe
for communications in relation to the work of the CRO;
b)_ e-Agenda allowing delegates to edit the agenda of the Committee's formal
meetings and upload and download statements delivered;
c)_ new guide on the work and
functioning of the CRO: "Introduction to the Committee on Rules of
with background on the functioning and work of the Committee; and
d)_ new features of the Rules of Origin Gateway (WTO Rules of Origin
including access to previous events of the Committee and a page with academic
or reference papers on the impact of rules of origin on the utilization of
trade preferences.
9._ The Committee also completed the
mandated annual review of the implementation and operation of the Agreement (_G/RO/101).
With respect to preferential rules of origin, the Committee
continued to oversee the implementation of the Bali and
the Nairobi Ministerial
Decisions on preferential rules of origin for least developed countries (LDCs)
(_WT/L/917 and _WT/L/917/Add.1) as well as the April 2022 "Decision on Preferential Rules of Origin and the
Implementation of the Nairobi Ministerial Decision" (_G/RO/95). A separate report (_G/RO/W/231/Rev.3) contains a detailed account of the work of
the CRO in this respect.
A draft of this report was considered by the CRO on 21‑22 November 2024.
The draft was subsequently completed and amended by the Secretariat and
circulated for consideration and adoption. In the absence of comments, the
report was adopted through written procedures on 13 December.