OECD貿易和競爭(Trade and Competition)報告相關連結
- 靖心慈
- 2004/03/24
- 已被閱讀 1214次
1.Core Principles of Non-Discrimination, Transparency and Procedural Fairness in A Multialteral Framework of Competition 25-May-2003
2.Practical Modalities of Peer Review in a Multilateral Framework on Competition 23-Mar-2003
3."Core Principles" in A Trade and Competition Context 17-Sep-2002
4.Synthesis Report on Parallel Imports 03-Jul-2002
5.Peer Review: Merits and Approaches in A Trade and Competiton Context 09-Jun-2002
6.The Relationship between Regional Trade Agreements and the Multilateral Trading System: Competition 09-May-2002
7.The Role of "Special and Differential Treatment" at the Trade, Competition and Development Interface 06-Mar-2002
8.OECD Global Forum on Trade - Trade Policy Issues: The Labour, Environmental And Competition Dimensions 06-Jun-2001
9.Remedies Available to Private Parties Under Competition Laws 20-Sep-2000
10.Competition and Trade Effects of Abuse of Dominance 01-Aug-2000
11.International Options To Improve The Coherence Between Trade And Competition Policies 09-Feb-2000
12.Outline of (a) Core Principles, Common Approaches and Common Standards and (b) Bilateral and Multilateral Approaches 12-Oct-1999
13.Merger Review and Market Access 11-Oct-1999
14.A Note on Terminology: Follow-up to Work on International Options to Improve Coherence between Trade and Competition Principles 11-Oct-1999
15.Implications of the WTO Agreement on Basic Telecommunications 19-Jun-1999
16.Competiton and Trade Effects of Vertical Restraints 20-May-1999
17.Consistencies and Inconsistencies between Trade and Competition Policies 23-Feb-1999
18.Complementarities between Trade and Competition Policies 27-Jan-1999
19.Competition Elements in International Trade Agreements: A Post-Uruguay Round Overview of WTO Agreements 27-Jan-1999