Working Group on the Relationship between Trade and Investment - Communication from Japan - Ensuring Transparency and Stability
- Japan
- 2005/08/24
- 已被閱讀 1133次
World Trade
Organization WT/WGTI/W/75
6 April 1999 (99-1367) Working Group on the Relationship
between Trade and Investment Original: English
The following communication, dated 1 April 1999, has been received from the Permanent Mission of Japan with the request that it be circulated to Members.
Ensuring Transparency and Stability
One of the important effects of international investment rules is to ensure stability and transparency in the legal systems and policies of host countries. Such stability and transparency will reduce costs and risks for investors, promote foreign direct investment and thereby contribute to the economic development of host countries. Various rules dealing with these problems are included in many international trade- and investment-related agreements, such as those in the WTO. This paper will briefly review the problems and the rôle of such rules.
problems faced by japanese