Working Group on the Relationship between Trade and Investment - Communication from Hong Kong, China - Transparency of Investment Environment
- Hong Kong, China
- 2005/08/24
- 已被閱讀 1118次
World Trade
Organization WT/WGTI/W/90
9 October 2000 (00-4129) Working Group on the Relationship
between Trade and Investment Original: English
The following communication, dated 7 October 2000, has been received from the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office.
Transparency of Investment Environment
Hong Kong, China (HKC) recalls that issues pertaining to transparency of investment regimes attracted much deliberation at the meeting of this Working Group held on 8 June 2000. We affirm the importance of the principle of transparency, being one of the most fundamental WTO principles underpinning trade and investment liberalization. As HKC's contribution to this Working Group on the subject of transparency, this paper presents the efforts made by HKC in promoting transparency and identifies possible pointers for further work by Members.
Section II of this paper provides an account of