Working Group on the Interaction between Trade and Competition Policy - Overview of Members' National Competition Legislation - Note by the Secretariat
- WTO Secretariat
- 2005/08/24
- 已被閱讀 2321次
World Trade
Organization RESTRICTED WT/WGTCP/W/128
7 June 1999 (99-2270) Working Group on the Interaction
between Trade and Competition Policy
Note by the Secretariat
This document is the final version of a text circulated previously as an informal note by the Secretariat (Job 2223, circulated 15 April 1999). That note was prepared in response to a request made by the Working Group at its meeting on 27-28 July 1998 (document WT/WGTCP/M/5, paragraph 85) that the Secretariat prepare a document summarizing objective information on national competition legislation that had been provided by Members in their respective submissions and presentations. The present document incorporates comments provided by a number of Members on the draft version, both during and subsequent to the Group's meeting on 19-20 April.
A number of limitations relating to the approach used in preparing the document should be noted.