Working Group on Transparency in Government Procurement - Report on the Meeting of 29 November 2002 - Note by the Secretariat
- WTO Secretariat
- 2005/08/15
- 已被閱讀 2019次
World Trade
8 January 2003 (03-0059) Working Group on Transparency
in Government Procurement
report on the meeting of 29 NOVEMBER 2002
Note by the Secretariat
The Working Group on Transparency in Government Procurement held its sixteenth meeting on 29 November 2002 under the chairmanship of Ambassador Ronald Saborío Soto (Costa Rica).
The agenda for the meeting consisted of: (i) review and approval of the draft report (2002); and (ii) other business.
A. annual report
The Working Group adopted its Annual Report for 2002 to the General Council on the basis of a draft prepared by the Secretariat. The report was subsequently circulated as document WT/WGTGP/6.
other business
Statement by the Dominican Republic
The representative of the Dominican Republic confirmed her Government's commitment to paragraph 26 of the Doha Ministerial Declaration that negotiations be held on a multilateral agreement on transparency