Communication from the International Monetary Fund - Liberalizing Trade and Safeguarding Public Revenues
- WTO Secretariat
- 2005/08/29
- 已被閱讀 1050次
World Trade
Organization WT/TF/COH/16
14 February 2003 (03-0973) Original: English
communication from the international monetary fund
The following contribution has been received from the staff of the International Monetary Fund. It has been prepared in response to consultations between the WTO Director-General and the Deputy Managing Director of the IMF on how the IMF can provide support to the WTO Secretariat and Members in areas of its expertise.
liberalizing trade and safeguarding public revenues
executive summary
Governments in many developing countries continue to rely heavily on trade taxes as a source of revenue, and so are naturally concerned with the possible impact on those revenues of further trade liberalization. This note stresses two reasons, rooted in both practice and principle, why these concerns need not impede further liberalization. The first is that the impact on trade tax revenues of the measures i