Working Group on Trade, Debt and Finance - Report of the Meeting of 13 May 2004
- WTO Secretariat
- 2005/11/07
- 已被閱讀 1180次
WT/WGTDF/M/7World Trade
7 June 2004 (04-2391) Working Group on Trade, Debt
and Finance
report of the meeting of 13 May 2004
The Working Group held its seventh meeting on 13 May 2004 under the Chairmanship of Ambassador Péter Balás (Hungary). The Working Group adopted the Agenda contained in WTO/AIR/2304.
Agenda Item I:A Trade-Financing
The Chairman noted that, in affected countries, the drying up of traditional sources of trade-financing in periods of financial crisis could take dramatic proportions, causing the stoppage of imports and exports. In response to concerns raised in the Group about this issue, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) had held a seminar in May 2003 with the involvement of the principal stake-holders, including international financial institutions, other multilateral organizations such as the WTO, regional development banks, export credit agencies and private sector banks. This seminar served