Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures - Experience on Equivalence - Submission by Fiji
- Fiji
- 2011/09/08
- 已被閱讀 291次
World Trade
Organization G/SPS/GEN/238
13 March 2001 (01-1212) Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures
Original: English
Submission by Fiji
positive experience
HTFA treated products for New Zealand market
Fiji uses HTFA (Hot Forced Air Treatment) as a quarantine measure for exporting paw-paws, mangoes and eggplants to New Zealand. There have been no hiccups with Fiji HTFA treated commodities entering the New Zealand markets. Fiji has developed quarantine protocols with New Zealand on specific agricultural produce, particularly fruits and vegetables.
Fiji fish for Japanese market
The Japanese market accepts exported fish from Fiji, provided that it is certified as collected from Fiji Waters. Japan has clearly stated that the certification is an assurance that the exported fish is not from waters that have been identified as having high mercury levels.
Negative experience
HTFA treated commodities not accepte