Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures - Sixth review of the operation and implementation of the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures - SPS related emerging risks and new agricultural technologies to address them - Proposed thematic session - Submission from Canada and the European Union


SPS related emerging risks and new agricultural technologies
to address them

WTO SPS Committee – proposed thematic session

SUbmission from canada and the european union

The following submission, received on 17 June 2024, is being circulated at the request of the delegations of Canada and the European Union.





1  Background

1.  Building on the work completed during the SPS Declaration Work Programme and the proposals submitted by both Canada (_G/SPS/GEN/349) and the European Union (_G/SPS/GEN/353 and _G/SPS/GEN/354), this proposal suggests a thematic session on the definition, identification and characterization of SPS related emerging risks, the new agricultural technologies which can help address them and (potentially) the different regulatory approaches used by Members to mitigate them.

2.  The objective of this thematic session is to continue the productive discussions that were held as part of the SPS Declaration Work Programme and to explore further the Members' experiences, best practices, successes and challenges associated with the identification of emerging risks that pose a threat to food safety, human, plant or animal life or health. It would also be an opportunity to share experiences on the development and implementation of new agricultural technologies to address emerging risks, and the barriers to their successful implementation.

2  Proposed Agenda

2.1  Session1: Emerging risks


·_        This session will discuss Members', international organisations' and relevant stakeholders'  initiatives and structures for the definition, identification and characterization of emerging risks that pose a threat to food safety, human, plant or animal life or health.


·_        The SPS Secretariat to provide a review of relevant provisions within the SPS Agreement that can impact or facilitate the identification of emerging risks and the role of the Committee/the SPS Agreement;

·_        Representatives from the International standard setting bodies (ISSBs) to provide a review of the work of their representative organizations to identify emerging risks and the way to address them;

·_        Members can share their experiences developing policies and tools for the identification and communication of emerging risk (e.g., EU emerging risk network), and how different technologies have been implemented to address emerging risks, including how approval procedures have impacted their application.

·_        Stakeholders, industry, academia can share their initiatives and systems in place to identify SPS related emerging risks.

2.2  Session 2: New Agricultural Technologies


·_        The focus of this theme is to share experiences with the development and implementation of new agricultural technologies, and the approval of products produced using new agricultural technologies and to build on the work from the June thematic session on digital tools and technologies, but not duplicate its work. Special consideration should be given to Members and stakeholders who speak to the experiences or challenges of LDCs in the adoption and application of new technologies or innovations to address emerging challenges.

Possible speakers:

·_        The SPS Secretariat may provide a review of provisions within the SPS agreement that relate to the implementation/approval of new agricultural technologies;

·_        The ISSBs to provide a summary of work to facilitate the development/implementation and approval of new agricultural technologies;

·_        Members can share their experiences with the development, application and approvals of new agricultural technologies. The Committee would welcome perspectives on the successful implementation of new technologies as well as challenges associated with their acceptance across the global community;

·_        Stakeholders, industry, academia to provide insights to their work and experiences in this field.

2.3  Session 3:  SPS Implications: Stocktaking and future work of the Committee


·_        The focus of this panel discussion is to exchange views on the issues highlighted in the previous sessions and explore how the Members' current SPS regulatory environments address emerging risks and the adoption of new agricultural technologies. Discussions can centre on how the application of different SPS measures/techniques, such as regionalization, sharing of best practices, etc., aid in the identification and more efficient and timely response to emerging challenges.

Panel members:

·_        ISSB participants

·_        Members

3  Orientation questions for the panel:

·_        Is there any common understanding of SPS related emerging risks which can be used in Committee work?

·_        What is the role of the SPS Committee and/or SPS Agreement in sharing information on emerging risks?

·_        Which are the relevant international standards, guidelines which can be used to identify and address emerging risks?

·_        Which new agricultural technologies do you think will help to deal with these risks?

·_        Exchange of views on different regulatory approaches to address emerging risks?

·_        What are the most frequently encountered barriers to the development/application of new agricultural technologies (i.e., acceptance of the technological application, approval procedures associated with its implementation, influence of other factors on its acceptance within the global community?)

·_        What is role of regionally established (regulatory?) networks in facilitating up-take of new technologies?