Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures - Sixth review of the operation and implementation of the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures - Digital Tools - Thematic session June 2024 - Proposal from the European Union



Digital tools

Thematic session June 2024

PROPOSAL from the european union

The following proposal, received on 18 April 2024, is being circulated at the request of the delegation of the European Union.





Based on the discussion at the last SPS Committee meeting in March 2024 and the proposals submitted for the Sixth Review of the Operation and Implementation of the SPS Agreement, the European Union would like to make the following suggestions for the upcoming thematic session on the use of digital tools.

1  Possible sessions of the thematic session

1.1  Better use/further development of ePing SPS&TBT Platform

1.1.  The ePing SPS&TBT Platform has proven to be a valuable tool for both governments and other stakeholders. Since its establishment, it has been discussed at several fora. Now after a few years of using it, it would be useful to take stock of the major achievements and possible areas of improvement. As it is a joint system with TBT, it could also be beneficial to exchange views with the TBT Committee to identify possible synergies.

1.2  e-certification – Recent developments in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic

1.2.  The recent COVID-19 pandemic forced WTO Members to find alternative ways to ensure smooth trade and increased the use of electronic certifications. The session would provide a possibility to exchange the experiences and lessons learned by Members and the main developments in this area.

1.3  Enhance transparency and information sharing through more efficient use of Members' websites to publish information on SPS legislation, new developments, FAQs and other specific projects

1.3.  Although many Members publish relevant SPS information on their website, there are still shortcomings for example in relation to the approval procedures, as it was highlighted in the conclusions and recommendations of the Working Group on Approval Procedures; "Members are encouraged to make relevant information on approval procedures available on official websites, ideally in multiple languages, and to use e-tools to provide clear and timely information on approval procedures;" (_G/SPS/68).

1.4.  In case of new and complex legislation, it is beneficial to provide specific information to help understand the new requirements. It can be in the form of a special website, FAQ or with the help of other IT tools.

1.5.  The session would provide a possibility to discuss some good examples and have some useful exchanges on the best formats.

1.4  Use of new technology e.g. AI

1.6.  Explore the ways new technology is used to facilitate safe trade. Members would have the possibility to provide information on their projects and planned developments in this field.

2  Possible EU speakers

2.1.  The European Union is considering to provide speakers for sessions 2, 3 and 4, depending on the final agenda.

