The following communication,
received on 11 April 2014, is being circulated at the request of the Delegation
of Belize.
1. Belize would like to inform the Committee that the competent authority
for agricultural health and food safety in Belize, the Belize Agricultural
Health Authority, held meetings with a major papaya and major citrus exporter
whose products are being affected by private standards.
2. The meeting with the papaya exporter was held on 6 February 2014,
and on 20 March 2014 a session was held with a representative of the citrus
exporter. During the course of the meetings, it became very clear that those
exporters knew that the standards applied to their products were beyond the
official standards and those of the international standard setting bodies recognized
by the SPS Agreement. Importantly, they cited specific requirements which were
not guarding against any actual risk of transmission of pests or diseases but
which could best be described as measures to prevent "theoretical risk of
transmission". To quote one company: "the prescribed requirement did
not even take into account the basic principle of common sense". The other
company is currently waiting for a response from a potential buyer on a
particular requirement which the Belizean company has justified as being
unnecessary, as they are of the view that the requirements are not supported by
a valid risk assessment. This is their first attempt at challenging the
validity of a requirement, and it is uncertain as to what the outcome will be.