Brief update report to the SPS committee
november 2024
Communication from THE Intergovernmental
Authority on development (IGAD)
The following communication,
received on 17 October 2024, is being circulated at the
request of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD).
1. The IGAD Center for Pastoral Areas and Livestock Development (ICPALD)
is a regional technical center of IGAD (Intergovernmental Authority on Development),
a regional economic community serving the eight member States in East Africa
(Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia and
Uganda). Technical support provided for the above member States by IGAD/ICPALD
during the reporting period to enhance transboundary animal disease control and
livestock trade in the region, complementing the national development efforts
of member States, includes:
1 Multi-sectoral One Health platform for coordination, prevention and
control of zoonotic diseases established and operationalized
2. ICPALD facilitated a meeting to establish cross-border platform for
Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia with the goal of achieving optimal health outcomes
in IGAD cluster 3 (Mandera cluster). The multi-sectoral One Health platform for
coordination, prevention and control of zoonotic diseases is established and
started operationalization for the Mandera cluster.
3. The platform documented the most important zoonotic diseases within
the cluster, the current status of One Health (OH) activities, including the
existing OH committees in Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somalia, and mapped the OH
activities and key stakeholders in the cluster to avoid duplication and
increase complementarity. It also agreed with some recommendations to be
monitored by the platform.
2 Updated a joint surveillance and livestock vaccination calendar for
Dikil and Karamoja clusters
4. ICPALD organized a cross-border meeting and supported the update of
the implementation frameworks of the signed cross-border MOU of the two
clusters Dikil (Djibouti and Ethiopia) and Karamoja (Ethiopia, Kenya, South
Sudan and Uganda), the cross-border surveillance and vaccination calendars.
5. The cross-border officers of the two clusters use the updated
vaccination calendar for organizing harmonized vaccinations along the clusters
against priority TADs in the clusters. The information sharing protocol
developed on animal health for Karamoja cluster (Ethiopia, Kenya, South Sudan
and Uganda) was also signed by the four countries to share disease information
in time and help ensure that the risk of disease spread is minimized.
6. Acknowledgement: IGAD/ICPALD is grateful to member States, the Swiss
Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and AfDB for their collaboration,
and for financing the implementation of the above activity.