Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures - Actions aimed at the implementation of the WTO Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures - Information submitted by the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA)



The following communication, received on 19 June 2024, is being circulated at the request of IICA.





The observer organizations of the WTO Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS Committee) are invited to submit reports on the activities they have carried out to promote the understanding and implementation of the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS Agreement). IICA would like to present some of the actions and activities that it considers relevant to the work of this Committee.


1.1  Codex Alimentarius Colloquia

1.1.  IICA, in collaboration with the United States Codex Office, the FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean (CCLAC) and the African Union's Interafrican Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR), continues to support its member countries in their active participation in the Codex Alimentarius, through the implementation of an annual program of colloquiums aimed at the CCLAC and the CCAFRICA countries and the United States. In these colloquiums, both regions (43% of the Codex membership) discuss and exchange opinions on the various agenda items of each of the official Codex Alimentarius meetings. These meetings motivate and support developing countries to enhance their active participation both individually and regionally. The most recent colloquiums were:

-_        March 2024 - preparation for the 17th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Committee on Contaminants in Foods (CCCF17) (149 participants);

-_        9 April 2024 – 43rd Session of the Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling (CCMAS 43) (72 participants).

1.2.  In addition, IICA supported the organization of three CCLAC regional coordination meetings:

-_        17th session of the Codex Committee on Contaminants in Food (54 participants);

-_        54th Session of the Codex Committee in Food Additives (18 participants);

-_        43rd Session of the Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling (24 participants).

1.3.  In the framework of the Codex Initiative for the Americas and the support of the US Codex Office, IICA supported the attendance of country delegates from Latin America and the Caribbean to the following committee meetings:

-_        Codex Committee on Food Hygiene (CCFH – four country delegates);

-_        Codex Committee on Food Additives (CCCF - three country delegates);

-_        Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling (CCMAS - five country delegates);

-_        Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues (CCPR - four country delegates).

1.4.  These events/activities provided an opportunity for delegates from these two regions and the United States to analyse issues of common interest and develop regional participation strategies prior to those Codex Committee meetings.

1.2  Regional Coordination Session on WTO SPS matters

1.5.  Adding to the regional efforts to strengthen capacities in the hemisphere for the application of sanitary and phytosanitary measures and working in collaboration with several of its members, IICA conducted in June 2024 its Tenth Coordination Session on WTO SPS Committee Matters. The meeting was hosted virtually with simultaneous interpretation for English and Spanish. Considering the current prominent subjects under discussion in the WTO SPS Committee, the coordination session addressed matters related to the Sixth Review of the Operation and Application of the WTO SPS Agreement.

1.3  Inter-American Coordinating Group in Plant Health (GICSV) recent activities

1.6.  Since the constitution of the GICSV, IICA has exercized the technical secretariat on a permanent basis and currently hosts its website. In recent years, it has maintained an intense agenda and a work plan focused on institutional strengthening, coordination of activities and attention to the main emerging phytosanitary issues. The most relevant events and activities conducted during the period covered by this report were:

-_        The establishment of the "Phytosanitary Emergency Technical Group" for the exchange of relevant information on pests and situation reports, such as FOC R4T, HLB, Locust, fruit fly and Tuta absoluta. Work is underway to establish training sessions in the phytosanitary field and seminars in order to continue promoting the adoption of electronic certification.


2.1  2nd Cooperative Agreement IICA-FDA: Activities between December 2023 and March 2024

2.1.  The Cooperative Agreement is currently on its last fiscal year, and the main focus of the efforts is on disseminating the "Growing Safe Produce" (GSP) Programme, as well as continuing the webinar series. The webinars are available on IICA's webpage for anyone interested in the topics discussed ( This information is available in English and Spanish. As for the GSP Programme, it can be found on its webpage ( and is currently available in Spanish and English.

2.1.1  In-person dissemination activities of the "Growing Safe Produce" Programme

2.2.  IICA participated in several in-person activities disseminating the "Growing Safe Produce" Programme, as a training tool to improve the understanding of the regulatory requirements of FSMA's Produce Safety Rule (PSR). The Produce Safety Summits, organized by FDA's Division of Produce Safety (DPS), had the participation of government authorities, private organizations, as well as producers of each region:

-_        Lima and Trujillo, Peru, in March 2024 - these activities had the participation of 136 and 141 attendees;

-_        Antigua, Guatemala, also in March 2024 with 80 participants;

-_        Baja California, Mexico, in April 2024, with 200 participants;

-_        Two workshops took place in Michoacan and Jalisco, Mexico, in May with between 200 and 300 producers of berries.

2.3.  There are activities planned for the remaining of the fiscal year, including two in Peru, one on 30 May 2024 with the presentation of the platform at a Growing Training Course and one on 31 May 2024 at the US Embassy with an official launch for the country.

2.1.2  Virtual dissemination activities of the "Growing Safe Produce" Programme

2.4.  IICA has organized, in collaboration with PSA Trainers and Lead Trainers, virtual meetings with producers to disseminate the "Growing Safe Produce" Programme. These virtual events have already happened in Ecuador in March 2024 with 31 participants of a Grower Training Course, Mexico on 9 May 2024 with around 150 technical specialists from State Plant Health Councils.

2.5.  During these events, IICA technical specialists and PSA Trainers and Lead Trainers present the Programme, the web platform and some of the materials available, and help the participants register in the platform and provide some examples of the training materials and how to access and download printable materials. All of these events take place via Zoom and last about two hours.

2.6.  Events took place on 23 May 2024 with producers from Ecuador, 30 May 2024 with SENASICA technical specialist from Mexico. On 7 June 2024, a launch of the "World Food Safety Day" Programme will be held virtually for Caribbean, English-speaking countries, where is expected to have around 150 government officials, producers and technical specialists from the different countries.

2.1.3  Webinar series 2024

2.7.  An important part of the Cooperative Agreements between IICA and FDA has been the development of several webinar series addressing different food-safety-related regulations from the regulator's as well as the industry's point of view, both in general and specifics. All the webinars are coordinated jointly by IICA and FDA's Latin America and the Caribbean Office (LAO) and have the support of subject matter experts. In 2024, ten webinars will take place: the first five already took place between February and May, and the remaining five are happening between May and July:

-_        Update on adjacent and nearby land use (February 2024), had 355 participants from 27 countries;

-_        Outbreak prevention (March 2024), had 264 participants from 25 countries;

-_        Soil amendments (April 2024), had 366 participants from 28 countries;

-_        Food labelling (April 2024), had 550 participants from 36 countries;

-_        Preventive controls for Human Food (16 May 2024), had 461 participants from 31 countries.

2.2  Greater Caribbean Safeguarding Initiative (GCSI) Cooperative Agreement – USDA APHIS PPQ for mutual collaboration to strengthen offshore safeguarding efforts in the Greater Caribbean Region Caribbean

2.2.1  Development of a Tuta absoluta Committee of Experts Working Group and Incident Command System Action Committee for the Caribbean by the Caribbean Plant Health Directors (CPHD) Forum

2.8.  Under the GCSI Cooperative Agreement, IICA provided technical and logistical support to establish a Unified Command Mechanism for Incident Command Systems (ICS) for the Caribbean. members of the CPHD Forum from National Plant Protection Organizations and Development Partners (including IICA) completed FEMA ICS 100 and 200 courses as pre-requisite for attending the regional workshop on Unified Command Mechanism for Incident Command Systems (ICS). Based on the meeting, a framework for the command mechanism was drafted.

2.2.2  Capacity Building of National Emergency Response Systems in the Greater Caribbean Region

2.9.  Having a strong regional early warning safeguarding system is critical for reducing the potential impact of pests that impact agriculture and related sectors. Within this context, under the GCSI Cooperative Agreement, capacity building tools are being developed to assist countries to strengthen their emergency response systems and in addition, evaluate their preparedness to respond to incursions by priority pests of importance to the Caribbean and the United States. The development of the capacity building tools for the priority pests are on-going and include fact sheets, presentations, and videos.

2.3  11th European Development Fund Programme titled "Support to CARIFORUM States in furthering the implementation of their Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) commitments and in meaningfully reaping the benefits of the Agreement" - Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures Project

2.3.1  Strengthened SPS Regulatory Environment in CARIFORUM

2.10.  In collaboration with the European Union and the Caribbean Agricultural Health and Food Safety Agency (CAHFSA), under the 11th EDF SPS Measures project, IICA hosted an advocacy workshop for the Regional Agricultural Health and Food Safety (AHFS) Policy and Action Plan which was endorsed by the Ministers of Agriculture of the Caribbean Region (April 2024). Twenty senior professionals from ten countries attended the workshop. The Policy Advocacy Workshop sought to:

-_        Sensitize policy makers and other key AHFS stakeholders to the Regional AHFS Policy and Action Plan and the National AHFS Policy Framework;

-_        Build the capacity of decision makers and AHFS stakeholders in the principle and practice of policy advocacy.

2.3.2  AHFS Leadership and Management Webinar Series: Strengthening Coordination for SPS Compliance

2.11.  Under the 11th EDF SPS Measures Project, IICA is currently hosting an AHFS Leadership and Management Webinar Series: Strengthening Coordination for SPS Compliance. The webinar series is being facilitated by the University of Peace, Centre for Executive Education and covers areas such as change management, collaborative working and information and data management. The workshop targets middle and senior management public sector professionals working within the SPS systems across 15 countries in the Caribbean.

2.3.3  Food Safety Technical Assistance to Private Sector Companies along three value chains

2.12.  Under the 11th EDF SPS Measures Project, over the past year direct technical assistance (training and technical guidance) in the areas of food safety standards, HACCP and traceability was provided to eleven Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) along three value chains: herbs and spices, roots and tubers and coconut across eleven countries: Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Haiti, Jamaica, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago. Across the 11 SMEs, 55 stakeholders were trained and currently nine SMEs are being certified for GMP or HACCP.

2.3.4  Improving Fresh Produce Exports through Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) Audit Training

2.13.  Towards strengthening the competence of public and private sector professionals in the area of GAP Auditing, an e-course and manual were developed (2022-2023). The course covers the principles and practice of GAP auditing and targets in the main extension and field officers, and producers. This course was delivered for a second time through IICA's e-learning platform and ran for eight weeks (March - April 2024); over 115 participants from 16 countries successfully completed the course. A total of 330 stakeholders have now successfully completed the course.

2.3.5  Strengthening laboratory testing capacity for improved market access in regional and international markets

2.14.  Towards, strengthening AHFS laboratories in the Caribbean to conduct tests required for regional and international trade four laboratories are currently receiving support including Stichting Viskeuringsinstituut, Suriname, Government Analytical Service, Barbados, Veterinary Services Division, Jamaica, National Agricultural Diagnostics Facility, Saint Lucia. During the period May – July 2024, support being received includes training in the following areas: key tests required for export, Internal Quality Auditing for Internal Conformity Assessment Bodies, ISO/IEC 17025:2017 General Requirements for Testing and Calibration Laboratories, and equipment maintenance. Expert technical guidance is also being provided. More than 30 professionals from the laboratories are benefiting from the intervention.

2.3.6  Analysis, mapping, and remediation of cadmium hot spots in cocoa growing areas, and capacity building of Master Trainers of Trinidad and Tobago)

2.15.  In collaboration with the STDF/IICA Project Improving Capacity Building and Knowledge Sharing to Support Management of Cadmium Levels in Cocoa in Latin America and the Caribbean, the 11th EDF SPS Measures Project is supporting Trinidad and Tobago to manage cadmium levels in cocoa. This activity is being implemented in response to the introduction of EU regulations that stipulate stringent maximum levels (MLs) for cadmium content in chocolate and cocoa products imported into the European Union (EU) market. Overall, the intervention supports knowledge sharing among four countries in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) towards developing a coordinated approach for the mitigation of cadmium in cocoa and cocoa products.

2.16.  With in this context, during the period January – May 2024, a training programme on standardized methods and analysis of cadmium levels was conducted with 15 key stakeholders trained in standardized terms, methods and analysis of cadmium levels. In addition, a curriculum was developed for training Master Trainers of cocoa extension service providers in agreed best practices for mitigating cadmium contamination in cocoa and cocoa products from hotspots, five Master Trainers trained from cocoa extension service providers and communication products developed one manual and three Technical Bulletins with appropriate best practices to mitigate/ remediate cadmium levels in cocoa and cocoa products.

2.4  European Union Food Security Programme for the Caribbean: Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Action - Addressing SPS Barriers to Agricultural and Fishery Trade in the Caribbean

2.4.1  Addressing SPS Barriers to Agricultural and Fishery Trade in the Caribbean

2.17.  Towards meeting food and nutrition security targets in the Caribbean, the European Union has launched a program to target some of the most pressing bottlenecks to achieving a sustainable solution to food and nutrition security in the region, including sustainable and climate-smart production processes of locally produced food, efficient and reliable regional distribution mechanisms, healthy consumption patterns, and resilient social protection structures. IICA has been contracted to execute a project to improve food-processing capabilities, to increase regional distribution (addressing sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) barriers and solutions to intra-regional trade of agricultural and fisheries products, including on traceability and circular economy processes). The project is in the pre-implementation phase which includes the collection and analysis of baseline information. The project runs for four years (2024-2028).

2.5  Promote leadership that enhances the strengthening and transformation of agrifood systems and the collective action of countries

2.18.  IICA Caribbean Specialist presented at the 10th Caribbean Regional Organisation for Standards and Quality (CROSQ) Technical Barriers to Trade, Information Management Systems and Enquiry Points (Tie) Committee Meeting and Training on 25-27 March 2024, in Barbados. This presentation was made on the WTO SPS Measures Agreement - WTO SPS Agreement main elements of the SPS Agreement, factors impacting implementation of SPS measures in CARIFORUM countries, current regional investments to assist CARIOFRUM countries to comply with SPS measures.

2.6  STDF Pilot Project (STDF/PG/682) – Voluntary Third Party Assurance (vTPA)

2.6.1  GFSI Benchmarking Masterclass

2.19.  This event saw the participation of 85 stakeholders including regulators, inspectors from the Food Safety Department of BAHA, the Ministry of Health and Wellness, and the Belize Bureau of Standards, SENASA Honduras, the secretariat of Economic Development in Honduras, and the private sector. The masterclass covered benchmarking requirements, GFSI-recognised Certification Programme Owners, and related topics.

2.6.2  Workshop: "Promoting the Use of Third-Party Assurance" for Public Sector and Food Business Operators (FBOs)

2.20.  An in-person workshop was held in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, on 18-19 June 2024, featuring both face-to-face and hybrid sessions for 40 persons. The workshop aimed to strengthen the relationship between the private sector (grains, poultry, fresh produce, and shrimp aquaculture) and public sectors, and to promote the use of vTPA programs in Central America. Presenters included representatives from GFSI, local groups, Kiwa, and others. Additionally, a site visit mocked an audit in a Honduran facility "Honduproduce" took place to demonstrate the checklist process and foster mutual confidence between the sectors.

For further information, please contact José H. Urdaz (

Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA)

Agricultural Health and Food Safety

