Trade in Services - Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste - Final list of article II (MFN) exemptions

Democratic republic of timor-leste


(This is authentic in English only)






democratic republic of timor-leste – FINAL List of Article II (MFN) Exemptions

Sector or sub-sector

Description of the measure indicating its inconsistency with Article II

Country or countries to which the measure applies

Intended duration

Conditions creating the need for the exemptions

All sectors:

Entry and temporary stay of natural persons supplying services

Measures extending preferential treatment to services supplied from, and service suppliers residing in, the Border Area of the countries (Timor-Leste and Indonesia).

Republic of Indonesia.

Indefinite, until either country terminates the agreement.

Bilateral agreement to promote cultural and economic activities at the land border.

Audiovisual services

Measures which extend National Treatment or preferences to the production, distribution, exhibition, broadcast or other transmission of audiovisual works, as well as the recovery, preservation and enhancement of audiovisual heritage, and adaptation to new technologies.

Countries of Portuguese language.

European Union.



Promotion of cultural links between the countries concerned.

Audiovisual services

Measures relating to broadcasting and other similar forms of transmission of audiovisual works, including television and radio programmes, meeting origin criteria and other criteria established by the relevant agreements.

All countries with which bilateral and plurilateral agreements are in force, now or in the future.


Preservation and promotion of cultural identity and heritage and development of cultural links.

Audiovisual services

Measures based on intergovernmental and plurilateral co-production agreements, which confer national treatment to audiovisual works covered by such agreements, including production and distribution subsidies.

All countries with which such bilateral or plurilateral agreements are in force, now or in the future.


Preservation and promotion of cultural identity and heritage and development of cultural links.

Audiovisual services

Measures granting the benefit of support programmes to audiovisual works, including television and radio programmes, and to suppliers of such works meeting certain origin criteria.

All countries with which bilateral or plurilateral agreements are in force, now or in the future.


Preservation and promotion of cultural identity and heritage and development of cultural links.

Legal Services

Preferential access for lawyers from certain other countries on the basis of reciprocal treatment.

Countries which grant reciprocal treatment.


Measures according to preferential access treatment for lawyers from certain countries on the basis of reciprocal treatment.



