Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures - Subsidies - New and full notification pursuant to article XVI:1 of the GATT 1994 and article 25.1 of the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures - Albania




The following communication, dated and received on 5 August 2024, is being circulated at the request of the delegation of Albania.





In accordance with Article 25.1 of the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures and under Article XVI of the GATT 1994, the Government of Albania is notifying to the Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures, the scheme of subsidies programs as follows:


I) State aid commission decision no. 112, date 17/11.2023: "Authorization of state aid "Young men and young women towards a profession". 2

II) State aid commission decision no. 113, date 11/12.2023: "For a change in the decision of the state aid commission no. 99, date 16.10.2020 "Authorization of state aid "Financial support (grant) for new "green" business, which are based on a ECO-FRIENDLY model, or existing businesses which try to become a "GREEN" BUSINESS, INTRODUCING GO-GREEN ELEMENTS IN THEM", changed". 3

III) State aid commission decision no. 114, date 12/12/2023 "Authorization of state aid "Eco-innovative businesses". 4

IV) "On defining the conditions and procedures for the reimbursement of fuel excise, consumed in heating greenhouses for industrial and agro industrial productions manufacturing, used for technological needs of production". 5



I) State aid commission decision no. 112, date 17/11.2023: Authorization of state aid "Young men and young women towards a profession"

1._        Title of the subsidy programme

Authorization of state aid "young men and young women towards a profession".

2._        Period covered by the notification


3._        Policy objective and/or purpose of the subsidy

Facilitating the employment of newly graduated young men and women for the studied professions through cooperation with private entities.

4._        Background and authority for the subsidy

Municipality of Tirana.

State Aid Commission.

Ministry of Finance and Economy.

The grantor and the responsible authority is the Municipality of Tirana.

·_        Article 20 of the law No. 9374, dated 21.04.2005 "On state aid"

·_        Article 4, point 1 of the law No. 9374, dated 21.04.2005 "On state aid", amended

·_        Article 71 "Competition and other economic provisions", of the Stabilization and Association Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States and the Republic of Albania

·_        Chapter II of the Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 605, dated 31.08.2016 "For the determination of the maximum value, the conditions and the procedure for granting "De minimis" aid, the maximum allowed value of the aid, as well as the conditions for the authorization of the de-minimis aid are determined as follows:

Aid is allowed if all the following conditions are met simultaneously:

a)_    the total value of the aid given to a single enterprise does not exceed ALL 14,000,000 (fourteen million), for a financial period of three years, calculated in accordance with the conditions and principles set forth in Chapter 3 of this decision;

b)_    the aid is transparent, if the gross equivalent of the grant (EBG) can be accurately calculated before granting the aid, without the need to carry out a risk assessment for the competition, in accordance with the requirements and principles set forth in Chapter 4 of this decision.

·_        Law No. 9374, dated 21.04.2005 "On state aid", amended and VKM No. 605/2016, "De minimis" aid is allowed, if the following conditions are met:

1._    The total value of the aid given to an enterprise does not exceed ALL 14,000,000 (fourteen million), for a financial period of three years. This condition is fulfilled by the fact that the state aid for an enterprise is in the value of the minimum gross salary;

2._    The aid must be granted for a financial period of three years. The duration of the entire scheme, which has been considered, is 2 years, fulfilling this legal condition;

3._    Aid is transparent. In this case, the aid is given in the form of a grant.

5._        Form of the subsidy

Minimum wage, Social and health insurance.

6._        To whom and how the subsidy is provided

Young men and women up to 29 years old, residents of the Municipality of Tirana, who have less than 12 months of university studies at home or abroad with high results and are unemployed.

7._        Subsidy per unit, or in cases where this is not possible, the total amount or the annual amount budgeted for that subsidy

Value ALL 12,000,000.

8._        Duration of the subsidy


9._        Statistical data permitting an assessment of the trade effects of the subsidy

Not available.

II) State aid commission decision no. 113, date 11/12.2023: "For a change in the decision of the state aid commission no. 99, date 16.10.2020 "Authorization of state aid "Financial support (grant) for new "green" business, which are based on a ECO-FRIENDLY model, or existing businesses which try to become a "GREEN" BUSINESS, INTRODUCING GO-GREEN ELEMENTS IN THEM", changed".

1._        Title of the subsidy programme

Authorization of state aid "Financial support (Grant)' for new 'green' businesses, which are based on an eco-friendly model, or existing businesses, which attempt to transform into 'green' businesses, introducing Go Green elements".

2._        Period covered by the notification


3._        Policy objective and/or purpose of the subsidy

The aid plan aims to support new enterprises that aspire to create green businesses and existing enterprises that apply the principles of green economy in the production of products and consumption of raw materials.

4._        Background and authority for the subsidy

The grantor of the aid and the authority responsible for the implementation of the measure is the Municipality of Tirana.

·_        Legal basis for the notification of aid: Decision of the Tirana Municipal Council No. 126, dated 23.12.2022 "On the approval of the mid-term budget program 2023-2025 and the details of the budget of the Municipality of Tirana for the year 2023"

·_        Article 11, of VKM No. 817, dated 28.12.2005 "On the approval of the regulation "On procedures and form of notification"

·_        Articles 17, 22, and 31 of Law No. 9374, dated 21.04.2005 "On state aid", amended

·_        Amendment of point 4, of Chapter II "Description of the measure", of the decision of KNSH No. 99, dated 16.10.2020 "Authorization of state aid"

5._        Form of the subsidy

Direct state budget grants.

6._        To whom and how the subsidy is provided

Beneficiaries are new entrepreneurs who aspire to create green businesses and existing enterprises that apply the principles of the green economy in the production of products and consumption of raw materials.

7._        Subsidy per unit, or in cases where this is not possible, the total amount or the annual amount budgeted for that subsidy

Based on Article 11, VKM No. 817, dated 28.12.2005 "For the approval of the regulation "On the procedures and form of notification", the change of the existing scheme is notified according to the simplified notification form, when the notified scheme foresees the increase of the budget of an approved scheme by more than 20%. The scheme announced for 2024 and 2025 is budgeted in the amount of ALL 18 million per year, with an increase of 50% of the aid authorized by the decision of the National Council of Ministers No. 99, dated 16.10.2020 "Authorization of state aid "Financial support (grant) for new "green" businesses, which are based on an eco-friendly model, or existing businesses which tend to become "green" businesses introducing go-green elements into them", amended, in the amount of ALL 12 million per year.

8._        Duration of the subsidy


9._        Statistical data permitting an assessment of the trade effects of the subsidy

Not available.

III) State aid commission decision no. 114, date 12/12/2023: Authorization of state aid "Eco-innovative businesses"

1._        Title of the subsidy programme

Authorization of state aid "Eco-innovative businesses".

2._        Period covered by the notification


3._        Policy objective and/or purpose of the subsidy

Promoting a sustainable model of economic development, friendly to the environment, to give the processes, products and services of NMVs an added value in the market, as well as building the capacities of young people with the necessary skills for an economy green.

4._        Background and authority for the subsidy

The grantor of the aid and the authority responsible for the implementation of the measure is the Municipality of Shkodër.

·_        Article 20 of the law No. 9374, dated 21.04.2005 "On state aid"

·_        Article 4, point 1 of the law No. 9374, dated 21.04.2005 "On state aid", amended

·_        Chapter II of the Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 605, dated 31.08.2016 "For the determination of the maximum value, the conditions and the procedure for granting "De minimis" aid, the maximum allowed value of the aid, as well as the conditions for the authorization of the de-minimis aid are determined as follows:

Aid is allowed if all the following conditions are met simultaneously:

a)_    the total value of the aid given to a single enterprise does not exceed ALL 14,000,000 (fourteen million), for a financial period of three years, calculated in accordance with the conditions and principles set forth in Chapter 3 of this decision;

b)_    the aid is transparent, if the gross equivalent of the grant (EBG) can be accurately calculated before granting the aid, without the need to carry out a risk assessment for the competition, in accordance with the requirements and principles set forth in Chapter 4 of this decision.

·_        Law No. 9374, dated 21.04.2005 "On state aid", amended and VKM No. 605/2016, "De minimis" aid is allowed, if the following conditions are met:

1._    The total value of the aid given to an enterprise does not exceed ALL 14,000,000 (fourteen million), for a financial period of three years. This condition is fulfilled by the fact that the state aid for an enterprise is in the value of the minimum gross salary;

2._    The aid must be granted for a financial period of three years. The duration of the entire scheme, which has been considered, is 2 years, fulfilling this legal condition;

3._    Aid is transparent. In this case, the aid is given in the form of a grant.

·_        Article 71 "Competition and other economic provisions", of the Stabilization and Association Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States and the Republic of Albania determines that:

"Practices contrary to this article are evaluated based on the criteria arising from the application of the competition rules applicable in the Community, especially in articles 81, 82, 86 and 87 of the Treaty establishing the European Community and the interpretative instruments used by the institutions of the Community."

5._        Form of the subsidy

Direct state budget grants.

6._        To whom and how the subsidy is provided

Beneficiaries will be Albanian citizens aged 18-30, residents of Shkodër Municipality, who have an idea or have an existing small or medium-sized business and want to transform into eco-innovative businesses.

7._        Subsidy per unit, or in cases where this is not possible, the total amount or the annual amount budgeted for that subsidy

The state aid plan was drawn up on the basis of Municipal Council Decision No. 71, dated 27.12.2022 "On the approval of the Shkodër Municipality's budget for 2023 and the final mid-term program 2023-2025", as amended. The scheme in total has a total value planned in the budget of ALL 2,600,000 and it is expected not to exceed the amount of ALL 520,000 per beneficiary.

8._        Duration of the subsidy


9._        Statistical data permitting an assessment of the trade effects of the subsidy

Not available.

IV) "On defining the conditions and procedures for the reimbursement of fuel excise, consumed in heating greenhouses for industrial and agro industrial productions manufacturing, used for technological needs of production".

1._        Title of the subsidy programme

The scheme "On defining the conditions and procedures for the reimbursement of fuel excise, consumed in heating greenhouses for industrial and agro industrial productions manufacturing, used for technological needs of production".

2._        Period covered by the notification


3._        Policy objective and/or purpose of the subsidy

The objective is to facilitate the undertakings, which will use fuel for technological purposes in manufacturing industry.

4._        Background and authority for the subsidy

Ministry of Finance, the General Department of Macroeconomic and Fiscal Policies.

The responsible authority for the implementations of the scheme has been the General Directorate of Taxation until October 2012. In October 2012, it entered into force the new law on excise (law No. 61/2012), according to which the responsible institution for excise was charged the General Directorate of Customs

·_        Law No. 9765 date 09.07.2007 "On some amendment of law No. 8976", date 12.12.2002 "On excise" amended

·_        Council of Ministers Decision No. 1158, dated 13.8.2008 "On defining the conditions and procedures for the reimbursement of fuel excise, consumed in heating greenhouses for industrial and agro industrial productions manufacturing, used for technological needs of production"

·_        Law No. 61/2012 "On Excise in the Republic of Albania"

·_        Council of Ministers Decision No. 612, dated 05.09.2012 "On implementing provisions for the law on excise", article 43 "Reimbursement on heating greenhouses for industrial and ago industrial productions manufacturing"

5._        Form of the subsidy

Excise duty reimbursement.

6._        To whom and how the subsidy is provided

All juridical persons, local and foreign, which use fuel (mazut and solar) during the manufacturing process.

7._        Subsidy per unit, or in cases where this is not possible, the total amount or the annual amount budgeted for that subsidy

For the year 2023, the amount is ALL 215,840,000.

8._        Duration of the subsidy

The reimbursement scheme has been proportional:

·_        Up to 31st December 2014, the reimbursement of excise was 100% of the excise paid for the fuel;

·_        From 1st January 2015, the reimbursement was done for 80% of the paid excise;

·_        From 1st January 2016 up to now, the reimbursement was done for 50% of the paid excise.

9._        Statistical data permitting an assessment of the trade effects of the subsidy

Not available.

