- pc309a
- 2003/10/15
- 已被閱讀 1175次
World Trade
Organization TN/IP/7
4 July 2003 (03-3605) Council for Trade-Related Aspects
of Intellectual Property Rights
Special Session
文件代號: TN/IP/7
文件名稱: TRIPS理事會第七次特別會議
登錄時間: 2003年7月4日
會議時間: 2003年7月2、3日
摘譯: 本次會議之議程有二: 酒類的產地標示之通知與註冊的多邊體系之建立的協商,以及政府間組織的觀察員地位,以及其他事項。並提出意見不同之議題與未來工作進展的期許。
seventh special session of the Council for trips
Report by the Chairman, Ambassador Eui-yong Chung,
to the Trade Negotiations Committee
Status of Work
The Special Session of the Council for TRIPS held its seventh meeting on 2 and 3 July 2003 on the basis of the agenda set out in WTO/AIR/2123. The agenda items were: negotiation of the establishment of a multilateral system of notification and registration of geographical indications for wines and spirits; observer status for intergovernmental organizations; and other business.
With regard to the first item of the agenda, there were the following new documents: TN/IP/W/7/Rev.1 and Corr.1 (revised version of the Secretariat compilation of issues and points); TN/IP/M/6 (minutes of the April meeting); and JOB(03)/123 (non-paper from the European Communities on legal effects).
The Chairman first recalled the hope he had expressed in April that by the seventh Session Members would be able to consider a text with a single set of ideas rather than a text with widely divergent proposals. However, as he had already informed delegations, based on the consultations he had held since the April meeting, it was his appreciation that, in the light of the current state of the negotiations in the Special Session and of the Doha Development Agenda as a whole, delegations did not as yet feel in a position to be sufficiently flexible in their positions on the key issues of legal effects and participation to warrant him tabling a new draft text at this stage. At this Session, a number of general comments were offered, in particular on what was required to fulfil the mandate, such as in regard to the legal effects of a registration and participati