Council for Trade in Goods - 2 July 2024 - Proposed agenda


The following items are proposed for the Agenda:


1.     Notification of Regional Trade Agreements

            1.1.      Free Trade Agreement between the Republic of Korea and Israel, Goods and Services (_WT/REG485/N/1 – _S/C/N/1164)

            1.2.      Free Trade Agreement between Kazakhstan and Serbia, Goods (_WT/REG483/N/1)

            1.3.      Free Trade Agreement between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, Goods (_WT/REG482/N/1)

            1.4.      Agreement between the Russian Federation, Belarus and Kazakhstan, Goods – Notification of Termination (_WT/REG325/N/2)

            1.5.      Agreement on the Establishment of the Common Economic Zone, Goods – Notification of Termination (_WT/REG254/N/3)

2.     Withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union: Procedures Under Article XXVIII:3 of GATT 1994 – Communication from the European Union (_G/L/1385/Add.6)

3.     Measures to Allow Graduated LDCs, with GNP Below USD 1,000, Benefits Pursuant to Annex VII(b) of the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures – Request from Djibouti on Behalf of the LDC Group (_G/C/W/752)

4.     Members' Non‑Responsiveness to Questions Posed by Other Members – Request from the United States (See Annex 1)

5.     Members' Non‑Notification of Items Pursuant to Certain WTO Agreements – Request from the United States (See Annex 2)

6.     Procedure for the Introduction of Multiple Changes to the Harmonized System to Schedules of Concessions Using the Consolidated Tariff Schedules (CTS) Database – Draft Decision (_G/C/W/846)

7.     Future Work of the Council – Report by the Chairperson

New Trade Concerns

8.     India – Medical Textiles Quality Control Order (QCO) 2023 – Request from Indonesia

9.     India – Plywood and Wooden Flush Door Shutters Quality Control Order (QCO) – Request from Indonesia

10.   European Union – Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on Shipments of Waste and Amending Regulation (EU) No. 1257/2013 and (EU) No. 2020/1056 – Request from Indonesia

11.   Türkiye – Additional Tariffs on Imports of Passenger Vehicles from China – Request from China

12.   United States – New Section 301 Tariffs on Certain Goods from China and New Investigation on Maritime, Logistics, and Shipbuilding Industry of China – Request from China

13.   The Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu – Industrial Relevance Policies in the Offshore Wind Sector Request from the European Union

Previously Raised Trade Concerns

14.   Peru – Tax Treatment of Pisco (ID 211) – Request from the United Kingdom

15.   European Union – Commission Regulation (EU) 2023/334 Regarding Maximum Residue Levels for Clothianidin and Thiamethoxam in or on Certain Products (ID 200) – Request from Australia, Ecuador, and the United States

16.   European Union – Implementation of Non‑Tariff Barriers on Agricultural Products (ID 137) – Request from Australia, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Paraguay, and the United States

17.   China – Administrative Measures for Registration of Overseas Producers of Imported Foods (ID 174) – Request from the United States

18.   Egypt – Halal Certification Requirements for Imported Food and Beverage Products (ID 191) – Request from the European Union, New Zealand, and the United States

19.   India – Order Related to Requirement of Non‑GM Cum GM Free Certificate Accompanied with Imported Food Consignment (ID 175) – Request from the United States

20.   China – Cosmetics Supervision and Administration Regulations (CSAR) (ID 169) – Request from the European Union, Japan, and the United States

21.   Mexico – Conformity Assessment Procedure Under Mexican Official Standard Nom‑223‑SCFI/SAGARPA-2018, "Cheese Names, Specifications, Commercial Information, and Test Methods", Published on 31 January 2019 (ID 162) – Request from the United States

22.   Indonesia – Commodity Balance Mechanism (ID 173) – Request from Canada, the European Union, Japan, and the United States

23.   India – Viscose Staple Fiber (VSF) Import (ID 213) – Request from Indonesia

24.   European Union – Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (ID 148) – Request from China, Indonesia, and the Russian Federation

25.   European Union – Deforestation Free Commodities (ID 203) – Request from Colombia, Ecuador, Indonesia, Paraguay, and the Russian Federation

26.   India – Import Policies on Tyres (ID 165) – Request from the European Union, Indonesia, the Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu, and Thailand

27.   Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, the State of Kuwait, Oman, and Qatar – Selective Tax on Certain Imported Products (ID 120) – Request from the European Union, Switzerland, and the United States

28.   Australia, Canada, European Union, Japan, New Zealand, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and the United States – Unilateral Trade Restrictive Measures Against Russia (ID 189) – Request from the Russian Federation

29.   France – Revised Electric Vehicle (EV) Subsidy Scheme (ID 210) – Request from the Republic of Korea

30.   European Union – The Anti‑Subsidy Investigation Against the Imports of Battery Electric Vehicles from China (ID 208) – Request from China

31.   European Union – The European Green Deal (ID 171) – Request from the Russian Federation

32.   United States, Japan, Netherlands – US‑Japan‑Netherlands Agreement on Chip Export Restrictions (ID 204) – Request from China

33.   India – Import Licensing Measures on PCs, Tablets, and other Electronic Products (ID 207) – Request from China

34.   European Union – Regulation (EU) 2017/2321 and Regulation (EU) 2018/825 (ID 144) – Request from the Russian Federation

35.   European Union – Proposed Modification of TRQ Commitments: Systemic Concerns (ID 127) – Request from Uruguay

36.   United Kingdom – Draft Goods Schedule and Proposed UK TRQ Commitments: Systemic Concerns (ID 145) – Request from Uruguay

37.   European Union – Quality Schemes for Agricultural Products and Foodstuffs – The Registration of Certain Terms of Cheese as Geographical Indications (ID 119) – Request from New Zealand and Uruguay

38.   China; Hong Kong, China; Macao, China; and the Russian Federation – Restriction on Imports of Aquatic Products from Japan After Discharge of ALPS Treated Water into the Sea (ID 212) – Request from Japan

39.   China – Draft Revision of Chinese Government Procurement Law (ID 202) – Request from Japan

40.   China – Draft of Chinese Recommended National Standard (GB/T) for Office Devices (Information Security Technology‑Security Specification for Office Devices) (ID 201) – Request from Japan

41.   Indonesia – Import and Export Restricting Policies and Practices (ID 51) – Request from the European Union, Japan, and New Zealand

42.   India – Import Restriction on Air Conditioners (ID 161) – Request from Japan and Thailand

43.   China – Export Control Law and Restrictions on Trade in Strategic Products (ID 112) – Request from the European Union and Japan

44.   China – Implementation of Trade Disruptive and Restrictive Measures (ID 152) – Request from Australia

45.   United States – Import Restrictions on Apples and Pears (ID 146) – Request from the European Union

46.   India – Implementation of Conformity Assessment Policy Through Quality Control Orders (QCOs) In Various Sectors (ID 206) – Request from Canada and the European Union

47.   United States – A Series of Disruptive Policy Measures on The Global Semiconductor Industry Chain and Supply Chain (ID 195) – Request from China

48.   United States – Disruptive and Restrictive Measures in the Name of National Security (ID 205) – Request from China

49.   India – Restrictions on Imports of Certain Pulses (ID 125) – Request from Australia, Canada, and the European Union

50.   Other Business

            50.1.    Tentative Annual Plan of Meetings – Subsidiary Bodies of the Council for Trade in Goods (_JOB/CTG/49)

            50.2.    Date of Next Meeting