Council for Trade in Goods - Follow-up note from the Chairperson of the Council for Trade in Goods (CTG) - Meeting of 30 April - 1 May 2024

THE council for trade in goods (CTG)

Meeting of 30 april – 1 may 2024

1.1.  This document has been prepared under the responsibility of the outgoing Chairperson of the Council for Trade in Goods (hereinafter "CTG", or "the Council") with a view to implementing the Council's agreement[1] by providing a follow‑up note to this formal meeting, and in preparation of the next formal meeting of the Council, which has been scheduled for 2–3 July 2024.

1.2.  Please take note of the following information:



1._   Remarks by the Chairperson:

The Chairperson's remarks under each item are available on eAgenda.

2._   Decisions taken at the meeting:

1._      Members agreed to suspend Agenda Item 6 on the Appointment of Officers to the Subsidiary Bodies of the Council for Trade in Goods, and also agreed that the incoming Chairperson of this Council will reconvene the meeting to address this agenda item once the appointments process has been finalized. The Chair  also requested any Member having a concern on the draft slate of names that was presented at the informal meeting (_ICN/CTG/14) to send him, by close of business on 8 May, a written communication explaining the reasons for their objection.

2._      The Council elected Ambassador Clare KELLY (New Zealand) as its Chairperson for the year 2024‑2025.

3._   Upcoming meetings:

The provisional dates of upcoming meetings of the Council are currently described in the tentative calendar of meetings (_JOB/CTG/45). A regularly updated list of such information is available via the WTO Calendar of meetings and the Council for Trade in Goods gateway.


The Secretariat reported to Members on the status of actions taken pursuant to the Decisions this Council had adopted in 2023 to improve its functioning, which included an Introductory Session on the Council for Trade in Goods, held on 18 April 2024, and an Informal Session on the Digital Tools used in the CTG and its Subsidiary Bodies, held on 30 April 2024. The Secretariat report is available on eAgenda and the presentations and recordings of both sessions are available here (password protected).


4._   Key dates for the upcoming meeting:

Please take note of the following tentative dates concerning the CTG's next formal meeting:


Date of the meeting: 2–3 July 2024

Activation of the meeting's eAgenda: 3 June 2024

Circulation of the meeting's initial convening notice: 3 June 2024

Closure of the meeting's agenda: 17 June 2024

Circulation of the meeting's revised convening notice, including the meeting's tentative agenda: 18 June 2024

Circulation of the meeting's annotated agenda: 21 June 2024 at the latest


5._   Guidance on how to add items to the agenda of the next meeting

_Members can add items to the agenda in two ways:

_1._     Directly through the Collaborative Agenda section of the eAgenda[2]; or

_2._        By sending an email to the CTG team ( and For transparency, the Secretariat will also include any such request in the eAgenda.

6._   Agreed items reverted to by the Council, and standing items

At the upcoming meeting, the Council will consider the following standing agenda item:

1._         Notified Regional Trade Agreements.





[1] At its meeting of 30 November–1 December 2023, the Council for Trade in Goods agreed on a trial basis on "the creation of a new 'follow‑up' document, under the authority of the Chairperson, concisely collating agreed next steps, deadlines, and actions to be taken by delegations in preparation for the next formal meeting." (_G/L/1522).