Committee on Agriculture - Notification - United Kingdom - Domestic support - Table DS:1 - Calendar year 2023 - Corrigendum



The following submission, dated 20 August 2024, is being circulated at the request of the delegation of the United Kingdom. The corrigendum concerns domestic support commitments (Table DS:1 and the relevant supporting tables) for the Calendar Year 2023.





The present corrigendum introduces support provided to "Protein Crops" which was inadvertengly ommited in the original notification under _G/AG/N/GBR/27. This support is reflected in the supporting tables DS:4, DS:6, and DS:7. The support to "Protein Crops"is within de minimis level, thus does not alter the value of the Curent Total AMS.


The affected tables have been replicated below. The modifications are shown in bold.

* In English and French only.