[General Council] - Preparatory Process in Geneva and Negotiating Process at Ministerial Conferences - Communication from Australia; Canada; Hong Kong, China; Korea; Mexico; new Zealand; Singapore; Switzerland
- Australia; Canada; Hong Kong, China; Korea; Mexico; new Zealand; Singapore; Switzerland
- 2005/01/12
- 已被閱讀 1038次
World Trade
Organization WT/GC/W/477
28 June 2002 (02-3639) Original: English
Preparatory process in Geneva and negotiating
process at ministerial conferences
Communication from Australia; Canada; Hong Kong, China; Korea;
Mexico; New Zealand; Singapore; Switzerland
The following communication, dated 27 June, has been received from the delegations of Australia, Canada, Korea, Mexico, New Zealand, Singapore, Switzerland and Hong Kong, China.
In April a group of 15 delegations circulated a paper on the preparatory process in Geneva and the negotiating process for ministerial conferences. Following an initial discussion at the May General Council it was agreed that the topic would be placed on the agenda for the Council’s July meeting. The Chairman also stated that he proposed to undertake consultations on the subject following the summer break.
This submission takes up some of the issues raised in the Ma