Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights - Review of Legislation - Suriname - Addendum
- Suriname
- 2010/10/19
- 已被閱讀 1145次
World Trade
Organization IP/Q/SUR/1/Add.1IP/Q2/SUR/1/Add.1IP/Q3/SUR/1/Add.1IP/Q4/SUR/1/Add.1
11 October 2010 (10-5196) Council for Trade-Related Aspects
of Intellectual Property Rights Original: English
review of legislation
The present document reproduces responses
supplied by means of a communication dated 3 September 2010
from the delegation of Suriname to the followup questions put to it by the EC and Switzerland in the context of the review of Suriname's legislation initiated at the Council's meeting of 2-5 April 2001.
responses to follow-up questions posed by the EC
Follow-up to Question 14
Please clarify the reference to Article 6 quinquies of the Paris Convention. Please provide, if existing, an example of a trademark that has been refused on the basis of a conflicting geographical indication. Please explain where in Suriname's law the definition of Article 22.1 of the TRIPS Agreement