States of America
The following communication, dated 9 October 2024, is being circulated at the request
of the delegation of United States of America.
1 Introduction
1. This document reports on the technical assistance programs provided
by the US government concerning the protection, utilization, and enforcement of
intellectual property (IP), including patents, trademarks, copyrights, and
trade secrets, for developing and least developed countries (LDCs). It covers
activities undertaken from September 2023 to September 2024. The US government
continued to meet training obligations through increasing its leverage of
various technologies to provide live online IP training as well as increasing
in-person training. Through these well-attended and well-received distance
learning initiatives, US government agencies provided tailored content to
developed and developing countries and LDCs.
2. Through the US government's extensive training of foreign officials
from developed, developing, and LDC countries, the advancement of the
protection and enforcement of IP is steadily achieved. The US government, in
collaboration with many national and regional government agencies and IP
organizations, such as the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and
INTERPOL, work to assist all nations to draft and implement their IP
legislation and policy to promote economic, social, and cultural development.
US government technical assistance focuses on helping countries achieve
sustainable development and growth, simplifying and streamlining procedures for
obtaining IP rights, administering treaties and systems for accomplishing these
objectives, and providing training and technical assistance to improve the
functioning and utilization of IP systems in accordance with the Agreement on
Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS).
3. US government technical assistance is driven by demand and
individual priority needs of beneficiary countries. The diversity of needs and
interests identified by beneficiary countries results in tailored technical
assistance activities on specific areas of interest. The US government
technical assistance covers a range of IP topics, including:
Protection and
management of intellectual property;
Administration of
IP offices and human resource development related to IP office administration;
effective IP border enforcement mechanisms;
adjudication of IP cases, including transparency in decision-making;
methodologies for investigating and prosecuting IP criminal cases;
searches and law enforcement techniques;
including in the area of counterfeit pharmaceutical and medical products;
Advanced computer
forensics to track down, arrest, and prosecute IP criminals; and
Public education
and consumer awareness of the importance of IP protection, innovation,
creativity, and enforcement.
4. The US government agencies and agency subdivisions that provide IP
technical assistance include the Office of the US Trade Representative (USTR);
the US Agency for International Development (USAID); the US Copyright Office of
the Library of Congress (USCO); the US Department of Agriculture (USDA); the US
Department of Commerce (DOC), including through the Commercial Law Development
Program (CLDP), International Trade Administration (ITA), and the US Patent and
Trademark Office (USPTO); the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS),
including through the Bureau of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and the US
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE); the US Department of Justice (DOJ),
including through the Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section (CCIPS),
the Food and Drug Administration, including the Office of Criminal
Investigations, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the Office of
Overseas Prosecutorial Development Assistance and Training (OPDAT); the US
Department of State (DOS); and the US Trade and Development Agency (USTDA).
5. Technical cooperation pursuant to TRIPS Article 67 includes
assistance, on request, in the preparation of laws and regulations on the
protection and enforcement of IP, as well as on the prevention of abuse.
Further information on past and upcoming programs is available through agencies
of the US government that provide training and technical assistance relating to
protecting and enforcing IP.
6. The Global Intellectual Property Academy (GIPA), a program of the
USPTO's Office of Policy and International Affairs, offers capacity building
programs in the United States and around the world on IP protection,
enforcement, and capitalization. GIPA is an essential component of the US
government's effort to improve IP protection and enforcement practices around
the world. Participants in GIPA programs include officials of national IP
offices, judicial officials, police/investigators, prosecutors, customs officials,
officials from health ministries, officials from technology transfer agencies,
officials from consumer protection agencies, representatives of academic
institutions, students, and representatives of small and medium-sized
enterprises (SMEs). GIPA provides both multilateral programs and country
specific programs. To learn more visit Some
programs are developed to address specific legal issues, administrative issues
and specific IP areas. GIPA provides in-person and virtual programs at
USPTO and around the world and in cooperation with other US government agencies
and other partners, such as:
Patent Programs:
The patent programs are designed to focus on topics that include office
administration and budgeting, basic examination practice, examination issues in
specific technology areas such as biotechnology and pharmaceuticals, industrial
design examination, and technology transfer practices. In-depth programs are
offered, employing case studies or examples when possible, to strengthen
understanding of concepts. The patent program goals are to share best practices
and therefore improve patent quality around the world.
Plant Variety
Protection (PVP): PVP programs include awareness of UPOV plant variety
protection, as well as a more detailed 'train the trainer' program.
Programs: The trademark programs are designed to focus on administration,
budgeting, recruitment and training, and treaty protocol. These programs
provide discussions and case studies on examination procedures. Trademark
programs may also focus on geographical indications.
Programs: The copyright programs include challenging issues that are discussed
with leading professionals in their field. The program includes topics such as
exclusive rights, liability, and piracy.
Trade Secrets
Programs: The trade secret programs provide an overview of trade secret law and
Programs: The enforcement programs are designed to focus on topics of criminal,
civil, customs, and border enforcement. These programs are technical and
include a comprehensive course agenda.
learning, including live online and on demand eLearning modules on all topics
of IP in multiple languages.