Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights - the trips agreement and public health - Communication from Canada
- Canada
- 2006/02/24
- 已被閱讀 2324次
World Trade
Organization IP/C/W/464
14 November 2005 (05-5319) Council for Trade-Related Aspects
of Intellectual Property Rights Original: English/ French
the trips agreement and public health
Communication from Canada
The following communication, dated 24 October 2005, is being circulated at the request of the Delegation of Canada. It was circulated as an advance copy for the Council's October 2005 meeting.
Further to the last TRIPS Council meeting of 14-15 June 2005, Canada is pleased to present a description of the functioning of Canada's system with respect to the implementation of the 30 August Decision on TRIPS and Public Health.
Delegations seeking additional information or clarification are invited to contact the Permanent Mission of Canada directly.
canada's implementation of the 30th august decision on trips and public health
Canada has implemented the WTO's 30th August Decision on TRIPS and Public Health (the